"Nice hit, Mason." said the Coach.

What was that all about? Gwen sees the patch to have an odd feeling about all of this.

"What's in this stuff?"

That night, Batman and Batwoman intervene in a robbery at an electronics store.

"Hey, I'm on big screen."

Batman kicks the man down and Batwoman had spikes on the ground to be in flames.

"Smile, big boy!" said Batwoman. "You're on TV of the crimes you've committed tonight."

The thieves are three teenagers, Mason among them, and as they run, one of them yells out Mason's name.

"Mason, wait!" said on the thieves.

"Mason?" this catches Terry/Batman's attention.

Batman corners Mason, who slaps on three patches and doubles in size.

"(Batman! Don't go near Mason!)" Gwen warns her partner too late.

"The man at the sports game?" catches Batwoman's surprise. "Didn't see this one coming."

Mason was now much stronger than Batman and Batwoman and easily throws the young dark knight around the room and dodging Batwoman's fire so fast to hitting her to the ground with his double smack down strike, allowing he and his two friends to escape.

"(Same patches Mason use from the games, I just know it.)" said Gwen. "(You okay, Terry?)"

"What happened?" Bruce asks the others.

"Those guys..." Batman gets back up. "They're a lot stronger than they look..."

Another patch was found for Gwen to pick up and Batwoman to recognize it.

"Same old patch, same type of trouble." she said. "Bruce, we need to get to work."

Morning comes and Chelsea runs after Mason. Mason blows her off, but she notices that he doesn't look so good and realizes he's on slappers. Angered at this, Mason yells at Chelsea and she breaks up with him. Soon after, Mason's partners in crime arrive and give him the money they made from fencing the stolen goods. However, even his partners notice that he doesn't look so good. For Gwen to spot this scene to have a peek on what Mason was up to.

"(Mason?)" she could tell to read about people doing drugs from the books she's been studying. "(Its not just from not smoking anymore, I think those patches that Mason's taking are drugs.)"

Later, Mason buys slappers from a supplier concealed in a black car. He uses one of the slappers and instantly feels better. For her and Terry sees this to be a problem. Night comes over Gotham and Batman and Batwoman are on the move again. Searching Mason's locker, they discover the packet of slappers and takes them.

"Its the same drug patches alright." said Batwoman. "One...two...three...More like twenty of them."

"Looks like it."

However, Coach Creagar finds and attacks them.

"Looks like I got myself a rat problem, two of them." he said.

Batwoman steps in to save Batman by putting up the heat.

"Strong and brave you are, huh? Well, no one can withstand my deadly flames no matter how strong you look!"

For the man walks up for her to outrun the coach to help Batman in the stadium to continue on with their fight.

"I eat punks like you two for breakfast!"

Batwoman throws her partner, for Batman slams Creagar into a wall.

"Sorry to spoil your appetite." said the Dark Knight.

Batman Beyond - Burning Passion of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now