"Megan, care to explain?" Bruce asks his wife's help.

She shows herself on the computer screen.

"Hey, Terry. I got something so far, but the rest I'm going to need some time to know who they are. Here's the history from the five Royal Flush Gang. Riches and such to steal from others to make a big living wherever they go to and rob on others, with skills to put a good fight; they're very hard to get them from their abilities they can do. King with the sword's skills, Queen with her electrical wand, Jack's with both his fencing and card tricks, Ten with her quick reflex movements, and Ten with its physical body strength. And from these five, they're nothing but trouble to be causing more in Gotham this time."

Terry believes they are gone for good, but Bruce advises him they'll be back and reveals they have a history and further explains that the Royal Flush Gang is made by family members.

"That's something..." he wonders where Gwen was at. "Where's Gwen?"

"She's not feeling well." said Bruce. "She's resting for the night; I'll fill her in on the details tomorrow."

"I hope she's feeling well." Megan added. "Good luck to you both, I'll get back later."

For Ace to be worrying too, so was Terry to see Gwen was sleeping to feel so much pain right now.

"(I wonder what's eating her? I hope she's okay.)" he touches Gwen's face a bit to leaving the room next.

Meanwhile, at the Royal Flush Gang's apartment, Jack and Ace are sparing together until King appears and states if they were professionals than Batman would already be dead, revealing he harbors a grudge against the Dark Knight and his partner.

"You're acting like children." King said to Ace and Jack. "If you'd been prepared, Batman or Batwoman would be dead now."

"We got away with the jewels! What difference does it make!?" Jack asked. "Well, besides Batwoman...I don't mind stealing her away."

Jack doesn't understand King's problem as they got away with stealing the jewels, but King reveals his hatred towards Batman as he once broke up the gang for a while.

"I'll tell you the difference: years ago, when I was your age, he and his partner/lover some bounty hunter woman broke up this gang for a while. They outsmarted us, humiliated us, and I've been waiting years to get him back or her."

Meaning that Batman and Megan stop King and his other members at one time.

"Ah, the old revenge game. But tell me something, 'sire', how will that make us richer?" Jack understands but doesn't see how getting revenge on Batman will make them any wealthier, King silences him by punching him and changes the subject, planning their latest scheme.

King notices Ten's absence, until she returns revealing Ten to really be Melanie. Oh, no... The next night, the family are on the rooftop of a museum, seeking to steal a decorative sword. While Ten is busy disabling the alarms, King advises her to be thorough, assuring they have all the time in the world. Ten quietly disagrees as she is distracted as she checks the time for her date with Terry. Batman and Batwoman are flying in the Batmobile, Bruce advises him as to where the Royal Flush Gang are going to strike next, but like Ten, Batman is slightly distracted as he checks the time for his date with Melanie. For Batwoman to notice for Gwen wasn't feeling well to take over for her, this is getting serious.

"Roger that, Bruce, we'll take over for Gwen gives you her regards. Over and out." she said to see Terry/Batman looking at his clock. "You look like you need to be somewhere later, don't you mister?"

"Just hanging out with a friend is all. How's Gwen doing?" he asked.

"Oh, like you want to know! I don't think she's feeling so well. And you have the right to ask me to let her sense on how you worry on your friend?"

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