"Hi. I've come to claim Bruce Wayne's life and have Batwoman capture."

Getting Bruce and himself out of the way of several attacks and Megan helping him out, Batman and Batwoman try to engage Shreeve away from Bruce, but when Shreeve shows he's only interested in harming Bruce and getting Batwoman, Batman damages Shreeve's right hand sound generator with a Batarang and Megan's shooting skills.

"Ha!" she said. "I still have it after all of these years!"

The sparking and arcing unit hurts Shreeve and forces him to eject it; the distraction allows Batman to retrieve it, grab Bruce and run out of the GPD before it completely collapses. As Batwoman makes a fire wall to have Shreeve to not follow them, for her to get Megan next for them to escape.

"Let's go, Psyche Bounty Hunter queen." said Batwoman. "Up-and-at them!"

Batman and Shreeve are okay, but Bruce faints from the exertion.

"(Uncle Bruce's hurt!)" shock Gwen.

Not good...

"No, Bruce!" Megan holds Bruce in her arms. "Please be okay..."

"Mr. Wayne? Mr. Wayne?!" Batman starts to panic.

Terry and Gwen take Bruce to the hospital and the old man gives the staff a horrible time.

"Bruce, calm down." Megan helps Bruce out. "Let Terry and Gwen handle this mess."

"Its not my life in danger more, I'm worried about Gwen's! I can't stay here overnight."

"But, Uncle Bruce, I'll stay with Terry at all time with my other half helping me out and Batman, remember?" she said to her uncle.

Bruce fumes over the fact that he has to stay there overnight and is skeptical of Terry's ability to deduce the identity of the attacker on his own.

"She's right." said Terry. "A little vacation time with your wife will keep you company, and I got Gwen's back, and a lead."

"So now you're the detective?" Bruce questions Terry.

"Also, me, Uncle Bruce, I like to help others by protecting you." Gwen said to feeling shy. "For Terry and I, we found this from the person who tried to hurt you and capture me. Like a type of metal disk to be hollow or something."

Megan tries to scan it from her special computer to hack into the item on what it was to help them out.

"I got something...Adversaries without special-purpose equipment can cause errors in the hard disk drive using either audible or ultrasonic acoustic waves...Attack scenarios also involved vibrations created by ultrasonic tones, which is sound that is created at a frequency higher than can be heard by humans (20 kHz and up). If I'm not mistaken...There was someone who made this to be a type of drug for your ears and got kicked out because it killed tons of people to the brain; he goes by the name of Walter Shreeve."

Nice thinking, Megan. Back at Wayne-Powers, Powers is displeased that Bruce is alive and now guarded in the hospital. However, Shreeve believes he can still get to his target. Bruce suddenly starts hearing a voice claiming that there's something he must do. The voices order him to go to the window and open it. The voice indirectly encourages him to jump from the window, which would cause him to fall to his death. Bruce screams and alerts the staff, but they cannot hear the voices. Megan slaps Bruce to snap out of it.

"Voices...Can you hear them...?"

"Stop it, Bruce!" she felt kind of bad doing it. "Oops. (Sorry about that.)" When Bruce tries to force his way out of the room, the orderlies come and sedate him.

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