the callback

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*buzz buzz*
I wake up to my alarm going off, it's 12pm. I can't believe I slept in so much, I pick up my phone to see any missed texts or calls, "OH MY GOD" NO WAY NO WAY NO WAY ! I scream in excitement as I read the text out loud, it reads.
"Hello y/n we really loved ur performance and have narrowed it down to you and two other girls! We would love to have you back tonight for another audition we are really considering you! Please text us back to confirm." I jump up and down on my bed, I was not expecting a callback at all, this is such great news! "I would love to! Let me know when you want me to come in. Thank you for this opportunity :)" I reply, hmm should I remove the smiley face? Is it desperate..? I think to myself, eh whatever.

I go on with my day overcome with joy and nerves waiting for the new audition date. But nonetheless I have a good day and treat myself to some new skincare items and a delicious cookie from the bakery, Today is a good day.
I end my night off with a bubble bath and use the new face serum and lip scrub I just got, "gotta have clear skin for that mystery man" I say playfully jokingly while I sing along to my new playlist "doggy doggy what now?" perfect playlist for late night tunes. After I am done with my skincare I brush my teeth and get ready for bed, I decide to read for the rest of the night until i fall asleep.

the filmmaker, a recdaniel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now