A Day with Max

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please dont be mad but for this story im gonna call max's kid trumpet rather than his actual name as ive seen many people do this and i would prefer people to not associate the actual name with this story idk but if you have an issue with that then just remove the last two letters in your head as you read it idk... also tilin will be referred to as son/daughter and with all pronouns <3 - message from author


Y/n awoke before Flippa, slowly getting out of bed and picking up her bowtie, before noticing that someone had left two piles of clothes in the night. I guess they finally got to choose their own style now and could stop wearing the clothes that they were adopted in. Y/n browsed through all of the clothes and decided to keep the plain white t-shirt and layer it with a yellow jacket and some black shorts. She put on her sneakers, and reattached her bowtie to her collar. She slipped down the trapdoor and into the main room of the house. She peered over the balcony to see a short man with long hair scraped into a manbun, his kid trailing behind. 

His kid was also wearing a new outfit, consisting of dark blue jorts, which ended just below his knees, and a lighter blue t-shirt, which was way too big for him. He was rather short, and wore a blue, red, orange and green propeller hat. He had fluffy light brown hair, which almost covered his eyes. He had faint freckles over his cheeks, which were almost always puffed out as a symbol of rage when his dad would pull tricks on him.

Y/n skipped down the stairs, running towards the mystery man and one of her siblings who she hadn't met yet. She paused once she was in front of them, startling the man slightly.

"¿Hola? Eres la niña que todo el mundo tiene que cuidar, ¿no?" The man asked, crouching down to Y/n's level. (Hello? You're the kid that everyone has to look after, no?)

Y/n nodded, placing a sign.

Hola, mi nombre es Y/n, quien eres? (Hello, my name is Y/n, who are you?)

"Ahh vale. Me llamo Maximus y este es Trumpet." Max said, pointing to his son, who was standing unbothered next to him. (Ahh okay. My name is Maximus and this is Trumpet)

Trumpet offered a wave and a smile, to which Y/n did the same. Y/n placed another sign.

Puedo ir contigo hoy? (Can I come with you today?)

"Claro, claro. Vamos a visitar Quackity hoy." Max replied, signalling both Y/n and Trumpet to follow along. (Sure, sure. We are going to visit Quackity today)


Soon enough, they had arrived at Quackity's house, where the kid that Y/n had met yesterday was helping her father to replant the flowers in the garden. They watched as Quackity waved to Max, before eventually making it to his front door. The kid was wearing a black t-shirt with a matching blue jacket with her father. She had her classic red ribbon in her black hair, tied into a bow on the top of her head. She had black shorts on, the same as Y/n, which showed off the Band-Aids on both of her knees.

"¡Hola! ¡hola! ¿Este es tu hijo?" Quackity asked, pointing to Trumpet, who was staring at Tilin. (Hello! Hello! Is this your kid?)

"Sí, este es Trumpet." Max replied, while Trumpet offered Quackity a small wave. (Yes, this is Trumpet)

"Bien, bien. Y tienes Y/n hoy, ¿sí?" Quackity questioned, smiling at Y/n, who was focussed on Tilin. Tilin was still working on the garden, and Y/n wondered why she wasn't here introducing herself. (Good, good. And you have Y/n today, yeah?)

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