Twenty Eight - The Prince She Loved

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Even when her back faced him, she could still feel his burning gaze on her body. "My prince, trust me. She is cold and freezing, now is no time to settle your disputes. You too are cold, perhaps you should retrieve to your chambers." Cregan told Aemond.

"I will retrieve nowhere. I will sit here until I know she is safe." She heard him mutter and then his footsteps walked away from the bed, and to the seat he had been in, she figured.

A maester came and went, and ordered for her to rest and be changed into the warmest furs that the Stark lord could find. He ordered for her to eat a hot meal too, for herself and her babe, he said.

So Cregan Stark ordered for his wife's maidens to help change the lady, and ordered the cooks to get her a cup of hot stew. And then when he was sure that the lady was comfortable and well tended to, he retreated from her chambers, leaving her and Aemond alone.

She sat up slightly in the bed and looked at Aemond, who she expected was brooding in his seat but instead found him asleep there. She gulped and ignored the way her heart ached at him sleeping in a chair, and then cuddled back into the furs that had been brought to her.

He deserved it, anyway.


She woke up the next day and stared at the canopy of the bed for a few minutes, not wanting to move at all. She felt miserable, and somehow she still felt so cold. She detested Winterfell. She sat up on the bed and looked to the chair by the fireplace, and Aemond was not there anymore.

She wondered if he left sometime in the night, or if he left in the morning. She shook him off her mind and decided to get ready for whatever was awaiting for her on that day, since a dress and furs had been laid out for her.

She dressed herself lazily and then braided her hair to the side in a simple braid. Then she exited the chambers to find a guard standing at the door. "My lady, good day." He bowed his head, making her smile slightly.

"The Lord Cregan, Lady Arra, and Prince Aemond are awaiting for you to break  fast in the Dining Hall. Let me escort you." The guard told her and she nodded her head. Aemond wasn't going to make a fuss if there were other people with them, she was sure.

They walked for a few minutes then they approached two large wooden doors, and he opened them for her. Inside the room was a long table. At the head of the table sat Cregan Stark, and next to him was whom Elyana assumed was his wife, Lady Arra.

The lady stood from her seat and rushed to hug Elyana in a bone crushing embrace that certainly took her off guard. "I am so delighted to meet you, Lady Elyana!" She said kindly and in a soft tone. When they pulled away, she noticed the huge belly that adorned the Lady Stark's body.

"Lady Arra," Elyana bowed her head slightly. "It is my pleasure to meet you. And thank you for having me." She told her in a soft tone. The pair sat down, and even though she sat down next to Aemond, Elyana didn't even look at him.

The four remained silent as the servants brought the meal out unto the table, and Elyana looked straight at her empty plate though she could feel Aemond's burning gaze on her. "Prince Aemond, I've heard tales of your dragon being the biggest. What is it like?" Lady Arra conversed politely as the servants served each of them a plate.

"She is a beauty. It feels rather good to wield the biggest dragon in the world." Aemond answered just as politely. Elyana snarled but remained quiet as she ate the ham that had been served to her. A looming silence fell over the table once more.

"Elyana... from what house do you come from? I am sorry I have barely paid you any mind since your arrival yesterday, this babe has been kicking like a goat. It moves so much, I just want to lie in bed and sleep." Lady Arra spoke, trying to formulate a conversation just to cut the clear tension on the table.

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