To Get Over Someone you Have to Get Under Someone

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"Thanks so much for helping me out guys" I plonk the books right down onto the table, while Enzo sits down with his Butter Beer. Pansy drops the other load of books down onto the table as well and sighs.

"Please tell me you don't need to me to carry this all the way?" she says, sitting down in the chair below her, a loud thump sounding throughout the room.

"Yeah because I don't think I can handle walking on the cobblestone and tripping over one more time" Enzo sighs and rubs his chin. Pansy bursts out laughing, remembering a moment that happened only minutes ago.

"No, no. I should be good, I mean I'm staying up stairs anyway" I say, putting the books into my bag. "I put an extension charm on it so they would fit" I say. Both of their faces drop, Pansy rolls her eyes and Lorenzo lets our a groan and collapses on the table.

"So you're telling me that all this time, you could have just put them in your bag?" he looks up. I look down at my bag, my eyebrows furrow for a second I then widen my eyes and look at him.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I laugh.

"So full of bright ideas you are!" Pansy laughs as well while Enzo just groans.

"What's so funny?" Draco sits down next to Pansy, his hand holding a cup of coffee.

"Well Y/n..." She looks at me then looks back at Draco, "Actually long story, I can't be arsed" she giggles. Draco's eyes stay on her for a bit longer then towards me.

"Has Mattheo tried to call you again?" He asks, I wince at his name. 

"No he actually hasn't after all of..." I point over to Pansy and my fingers outline a circle "...that".

Draco's eyebrows raise and he shrugs his shoulders, "You said you were thinking of popping over to that God forsaken Weasley place" Draco shudders at the mention of the Weasley's.

"Oh pipe down old man, they're funny" Enzo says, taking his second sip of the butter beer.

"Yeah I think they're cute" I smirk and sip my hot chocolate.

"Oh really?" I hear a voice speak at the end of the table, I look up and its Mattheo. Grasping onto his book bag.

"Look who finally decided to show up" Enzo stands and gives him a hug, Mattheo returns the hugs and pulls up a chair.

"Yeah, I do" I say confidently, he can't win. I won't let him win. He can try all he wants to make my life miserable but I won't let him.

"Shall we go?" Pansy asks, breaking the tension.

"We shall" Draco sighs, "Come on Porky" Pansy says to Enzo as he drinks the last drop of his butter beer.

"When I throw up I'll be sure to aim at you" Enzo fake smiles at Pansy and get's up from his seat.

Draco's hands go onto Mattheo's shoulders, encouraging him to come. I step up from my chair and walk around to push it in. I glance over at Mattheo, his eyes are glued to my legs. Shivers shoot through my spine, god why am I getting shivers? Goosebumps rise onto my skin, "Are you cold Y/n?" Pansy asks.

"A little bit yeah" I play it  off, soon I feel a jacket placed over my shoulders. I look up and see Theodore come out of know where.

"Oh..."I tug on the jacket to give it back to him.

"Y/n I'm fine, you have it" he winks. I return with a smile. I've always thought he was cute. Maybe I should focus on him instead? Wait, no! What am I thinking? It's fine if Mattheo and I do this because we've been flirting with each other since we met. It's just kind of merged into the group dynamic. If I were to go with Theo....I can't even think of it.

The Unforgivable Curse; Love (Mattheo Riddle & Theodore Nott)Where stories live. Discover now