Chapter 1

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Greyson King POV: 

It has been a couple months since we went to the desert, Anastasia and I have been talking ever sense we met at the desert and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've been going to school and stuff but it's so boring. I am excited to go to the desert this weekend for one particularly reason,  Anastasia, I pretty much see her every weekend, I know somethings about her now like how she's the type of girl that is insanely loyal to her family no matter how much shit they put her through, she's kind, smart, funny, and she's really fucking cute but we already knew that.

 The first time I ever developed a liking to Anastasia was when she was pushing me pretty much to my death, weird I know, but there was something about this girl that intrigued me and I have no idea why. 

I spot the twins or as Ana would like to call them my BFF's, I look around and see that Ana isn't there, sad. I sigh and walk towards them.

 As I started talking with Ana over the months I developed some of her vocabulary, also found out she's very sassy but in a cute way not an annoying way. 

"sup bitch" I say as I hug one of them. 

"Aww look it's our little sisters boyfriend" says Xavier smiling at me, I don't say anything and just smirk at the thought. 

His smiles fades as he sees me smirk, "don't get any fucking ideas dude", and he pushes me lightly which I laugh at. 

I go to hug Atlas which is the older twin by like 30 minutes. 

"what are you guys doing today" I say

"We don't know to be honest with you" Atlas says

"You guys want to go to a party?" Xavier says

"Why not" Xavier shrugs

Well I guess were going to a party.

I go home, do my business and I drive to their house, I know I won't see Ana because she's not the party type kinda girl, she prefers books, and doing girly stuff, she's literally the complete opposite of me.  I really have to stop thinking about this girl, but I don't want to so I don't. 

My parents aren't usually home neither do they care as long as I am not doing drugs so I don't need to worry about that.

I arrive at there house and I get out and walk into their house since it's pretty much my house to,  There at the kitchen and they say that before I start looking for her that she's studying with one of her friends. I sigh and I tell them if we're going or not? 

We take their car and drive to the party.

As we arrive there's loud ass music, and we go and try to find our friends, me and Ana have been texting the whole time, I'm literally treating her like my girlfriend, I'm telling her were I'm at, what I'm doing and who I am with, I don't know why but I just want her to know that she's the only girl I am planing to talk too. 

She told me that she was going to leave me so that I can be with my friends but I replied with  'no' and thankfully she complied. 

While I was at the party there was this girl that wanted to kiss me, 1. as Ana would say, that's icky, 2. I want to actually enjoy my first kiss with someone I actually know and like, and 3. I don't want Anastasia to think that I am the type of guy to just mess around, I actually want a future with her. So I did the most reasonable thing, I "politely" told her to fuck off because I have a girl and pushed her off me, but then she tried again and I slapped her, not enough to knock her out but enough for her to understand that I ain't that guy. 

I told Ana what had happened and all she did was laugh and of course she said that's icky and that I have cooties, which I chuckled at, so cute. 

Usually at parties I would be drinking, and just getting tipsy, but today I noticed that as I was with Ana, I haven't had a single drop of alcohol neither did I want any. 

Her brothers on the other hand were a completely different story, I had to babysit them the whole time, I see Xavier and Atlas walk into the dark, I sigh and I get up and I go catch up to them, as I walk closer I see each of them by a bush and the closer I get I can sort of see what they are doing,... no....fucking.... way. 

They are peeing on the fucking bush not even trying to aim correctly they are trying to aim at each other. 

I go full on dad mode and slap both of them on the head and grab them by their arms roughly

"ohh kinky" Atlas says

"shut up" I say

As I'm brining them back, there 'mad' at me, apparently I'm a party pooper because I didn't let them pee on each other and they started pouting and crossing there arms, they looked so much like Ana when I didn't let her get her way, just less cuter. 

I got them to sit on random chairs and I told Ana what just happened she just started laughing, I go and get them some waters and I made them drink them. 

Finally I decided it was time to go home so I got in their car since I was the only one that didn't drink, and I brought them home, I knocked at the twins house expecting the twin's mom or dad but it was Ana in an oversized mens shirt, with shorts, fuzzy socks and a messy bun, she looked beautiful, wait a damn fucking minute who's fucking shirt is that cause it sure as hell ain't mine, and she was on the phone with someone 'I gotta go, love you' she says to the lucky person over the phone. Im praying that it's not a guy because if not, idk but still I hope it's not a guy. 

"sorry I was on the phone with Marie" she says

"its fine" I reply, while I relax knowing that it was one of her friends. 

"cool shirt" I say, trying to figure out if its from a guy

"thanks, I got it from one of their closest" she says laughing because she doesn't remember who's it is. 

We walk to Xaviers room while I put him in his bed and Ana gets a bucket and water with some pill for the morning. Then we go to Atlas's room to do the same. 

 Atlas tells us something but we couldn't understand so we get closer.

"Don't touch my baby sister, if not I'll fuck you up tomorrow, mmm to fucking weak right now" he says

"alright buddy I won't" I reply slightly laughing

We close his door and Ana walks me to the door. 

"thanks by the way for taking care of them, I really appreciate it, sorry if they were a pain in the butt" she says 

"no thanks needed, it was actually pretty funny" I reply

Then she does something that I would never expect she hugs me, she FUCKING hugs me, damn she smells so good like the heavens up above, I could cry... I think I'm blushing. 

"Are you blushing?" she says

"N-no?"she laughs at my reply 

"ok, whatever you say" she says 

We say our goodbye's and she tells me to drive safe. 

After that fucking hug, I don't think I ever want to shower again just so that her scent lingers on more.   

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