May Z-Force Be With You - Max Thunderman S1P2

Start from the beginning

"Uh—" Max started.

"Okay, let's go!" D-Tail exclaimed.

He led them into the yard, where a helicopter was waiting for them.

Max and Cherry looked at each other. They were not going to get out of that mission.


Once they arrived at Metroburg's proton reactor, D-Tail ran inside, the "twins" on his tail. There were two proton reactors inside the building.

"One of the reactors is overheating, and the other is freezing," D-Tail informed them. "Stabilize them, while I go tell everyone I am a hero!"

D-Tail marched out of the room. Cherry looked at him curiously but kept her mouth shut.

"Okay Max, what can I do?" Cherry asked him.

"Stay outta my way," Max pushed her. "I need to freeze the one that's overheating and heat the one that's freezing."

He hesitated a bit before he used his freeze breath, and Cherry noticed.

"Uh, Max? You said you were go-"

"Yeah, yeah I know." Max cut her off, and blew his frosty breath at the overheating reactor.

Max's POV:

I knew this was a terrible idea, I thought. I had felt the spike of pain the second I used my powers. But I wouldn't let anyone see me as weak. No one could know about any of the problems I was dealing with.

I focused back on the reactors. One was regulated, and the other was still freezing. I sighed but used my heat breath to regulate it, more pain spiking in my chest.

"Yay!" Cherry exclaimed. "You did it!"

"Yeah," I answered, not able to look at her.

Suddenly, the reactors went back to how they were before I used my powers.

"What?" I gasped.

"You must have to heat and freeze them at the same time for them to regulate properly," Cherry said.

I gawked at her. I didn't know she could actually act smart sometimes. And she was right. I couldn't do it without Phoebe, but I was never going to admit that.

"Max! They are going to explode! You need to keep freezing and heating them until I call Phoebe and she gets here!" Cherry screamed.

I didn't want to. No way. I was not suffering through that pain just for a Z-Force interview.

But there were innocent people around the reactor. I couldn't let them get hurt because I wouldn't deal with my pain.

I turned and froze and heated, over and over again while Cherry called Phoebe. I couldn't do it forever. I hoped Phoebe could get there soon.


Just... a little... longer... I tried to convince myself. I was going to collapse any second now.

Phoebe burst through the doors, no braces on her. She ran at top speed and froze one of the reactors as I heated the other.

I stopped using my powers and stumbled back, clutching my chest. My hand found the railing of the staircase, and I held on as tight as I could, trying not to fall over.

"Max?" Phoebe said. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head. I couldn't talk anymore. I would fall unconscious. My hand slipped from the railing and I slid to the floor.

My chest felt like it was going to explode. I had to go home and lay down fast. Which meant I had to risk falling into unconsciousness to tell Phoebe.

"Pheebs... please... Chloe... lair..." I managed before blacking out.

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