Finding Warmth

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It's cold.
Cold dry grass and a frigid wind. The atmosphere is cold, and everything it surrounds. I think I've felt nothing but numbness since coming to this place. Or is it boredom? Everything here seems to be dying yet everlasting all at once. I don't even remember how I came to be here. How long have I been here in this strange place? Or even sitting in this spot under the willow tree? It feels like I haven't seen another person in ages, or even opened my mouth to speak. Everything seems unclear. My thoughts and memories feel opaque as if they don't really exist. I can remember some small details, but even those memories seem as if they could have been a dream I had rather than reality. I think I can remember that I wandered around this place for a while, but all I can recall is that everything felt the same. Monotonous.

He leaned his broad back against the wide knotted trunk of an old willow tree as he let his mind wander. The branches made a solemn and flat chime as they fluttered in the wind. Around him was dark and dismal. The grand weeping willow tree he sat against seemed to tower over and command the bleak landscape. It didn't seem as if there were many other trees or buildings around, especially none as substantial in size as the willow tree. It wasn't that everything in this world was dead exactly, but everything was stained with a dull hue. Living things here neither grew nor withered.

Is this how it's always been here?

He glanced around at the cover of draped branches flecked with deep green leaves that surrounded him. He could see the surrounding landscape from in between the willows thin pendulums. It was dark and unpleasant, but had become familiar and mundane. It seemed as if nothing new happened around him. From the distance he could see, between the long hanging branches, a tall slender figure emerging.

This could be something interesting.

The tall man stood just barely peaking through the slender vines. He had long black hair that covered much of his face. The man gave a small smile upon approaching,

"I have a favor to ask of you, Elias."

Elias' eyes widened in surprise. He didn't recognize this man at all, not that he knew many people anyways. Though he was shocked, this also piqued his curiosity. Elias slowly leaned himself against the willow trunk, lifting himself up to meet this figure. He himself was usually taller than most people he met, but he had to lift his gaze to meet this man's hidden eye-line. Elias glared at him with a suspicious expression,

"Ok, I'll bite. Who exactly are you and what is the favor you want? And how do you know me?"

The mysterious man's smiled turned sly,

"I need you to go watch after my sister." He said nonchalantly. "I'd do it myself, but I have somewhere else I need to be for a while." He shrugged.

He completely ignored the other two questions, Elias was beginning to grow tired of this person.

"Why exactly should I? I don't think I know you or your sister. You've asked me to do you a favor and even know my name, but you haven't introduced yourself or explained anything."

The mans smile turned a bit melancholy and he reached out his long arm toward Elias. This man, he reminded Elias of the willow tree they were beneath. He was a large man with a tall and broad frame but seemed almost frail the way his bony fingers delicately gripped Elias' shoulder.

"I appreciate your help, my friend."

And with that, Elias was somewhere completely different as if transported instantaneously. His eyes could hardly stand to open because of the brilliant burning light that surrounded him. His senses were completely overwhelmed with a rush of sounds, scents and sensations to comprehend all at once. He felt dizzy, confused and almost sick. His heart was beating out of control and he couldn't catch his breath. Head spinning, his knees buckled beneath his weight. Under his hot and sweaty palms he felt a cool and ticklish sensation that began to bring him back to his right mind. He began to open his eyes again, slowly letting the light surrounding him fill his vision. He blinked is eyes into focus as he stared at his hand placed on top of cool lush grass. It felt so much nicer than the grass he had just been sitting in, more vibrant and comfortable. He eased his head up and around to get a look at the rest of his surroundings.

The sun shone dazzlingly in every direction of a crystal blue sky. All around him were a number of things buzzing, seeming to not notice his sudden appearance. This place seemed nearly opposite the place he had just come from. Even the colors were loud here, as every thing surrounded him was shining blindingly. Elias looked carefully at the faces of people walking by him. He listened carefully to the humming sound of cars and insects and conversations all around him. This place seemed so strange yet also familiar, as if he were experiencing a deep forgotten nostalgia. He allowed his initial shock to subside as he closed his eyes once more, lifting his head and inhaling the crisp, fresh air. There was a slight chill, and puffs of warm air coming from peoples mouths as they talked and breathed. But it was nothing like the deep and lonely cold he had been enduring. He allowed his body to relax and he fell back against the soft emerald grass and closed his eyes.

It's warm.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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