Your smile is my life

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Zoro was training out on the island, Perona was practicing with her ghosts and trying new outfits on, and Mihawk was in his chair,  drinking his wine and staring out of the window as if waiting for something, or someone.

Mihawk was a shady and emotionless guy. But when he cared, he cared. He decided to take Zoro in for a reason. It was how he wanted to get stronger for his captain, so then he could protect him and make sure he didn't die. He found himself in the little guy.

Dracule smiled when a small boat appeared on his island, right in front of the window. A red speck waddled itself over to Mihawks Castle and knocked on the door. Mihawk continued his smile as he propped himself up and walked out of the room with his glass in hand.

The hawk-eyed man made his way through the halls and then arrived at the door. He opened it up carefully to see a smiling red-haired idiot with his only hand behind his back.

"What brings you here?" Mihawk asked, swirling the liquid in his glass around.

"I've come to visit my husband, can I not?" Shanks grinned, pulling out a bouquet of black roses. Mihawks eyes sparkled, and his smile went soft. He took them from his lover and opened the door wider, allowing the redhead in.

Shanks walked in carefully and shut the door quietly, following his lover to the table in the gigantic room.

Mihawk went slow but still guided Shanks along. They finally arrived at the table and sat next to each other.

Mihawk put the flowers in the vase in the middle of the wooden table and smiled at Shanks. "You didn't have to."

"Trust me, I know the stress of kids. I had to take care of Luffy for God's sake!" Shanks laughed, followed by a relatively loud laugh from Mihawk. Shanks went as red as his hair and stopped laughing as Mihawk continued to laugh.

Mihawk stopped laughing and stared at Shanks' red and dumbfounded face. His eyes widened, and he slowly went red, the red clashing with his pale skin.

"How are you so dreamy?" The words slipped out of Shanks' mouth, and he covered his mouth right after.


"Tell that to Dragon." Shanks groaned, talking about how they once saw Dragon on a date with a man when they were younger.

"God, I remember those times."

The room went silent, and Shanks decided to break the tension.

"Come 'ere ya big grump!" Shanks took his hand and steered Mihawks face to his lips. He gave him a big kiss, and Mihawk leaned into it.

Mihawk chuckled and got up. "I wanna show you something."

Shanks followed his husband once again, and they walked through the confusing halls and twists.

Mihawk went into the door again and walked around the corner, taking a walk along the shore.

"What did you wanna show?" Shanks asked.

"The sun. It will be setting in some minutes." Mihawk smiled, seeing Shanks' childish reaction to the information. He rarely got to watch the sun set anymore.

They sat on the grass near the shore, the sea swaying and splashing.

Minutes later, the sky turned a lovely orange red, and the sun began to set. Shanks held onto Mihawk's hand and softly smiled at the sun.

Mihawk looked at Shanks' handsome face and admired his beauty. Shanks caught him staring and watching him and gave a shit-eating grin. Mihawk rolled his eyes, but they squinted when Shanks got up and gave him his hand.

Mihawk was suspicious about this but still took his hand. It was a trick. He was pulled near Shanks, and Shanks put his hand on Mihawks waist whilst Mihawk moved his hands around Shanks' neck.

They both moved at the same time, and their lips slammed together once again. They stayed like that for afew seconds before they pulled away and embraced each other in a hug.

Zoro stood in the trees, dumbfounded about how he got here and why they were kissing and hugging. He slowly backed away even though they definitely could sense him.

Mihawk thought to deal with that later but wanted to get revenge on Shanks. He put all of his weight on to Shanks and grinned as he fell over. Shanks went red as Mihawk pinned Shanks down on the grass. They both began to laugh, and then Mihawk flopped himself onto Shanks.

Shanks coughed but then laughed again as Mihawk lay on his chest. Shanks yawned and began to stroke his hand through Mihawks hair.

Who knew the strongest swordsman fell asleep so quickly? Or maybe it was Shanks' tits.

Shanks propped himself up against a nearby rock when he heard Mihawks light snoring and slid Mihawk off him. He kneeled down when he was standing up and picked Mihawk up bridal style.

He carried Mihawk back to the castle in the dark.

As he entered the door, a ghost closed it, and he froze up.

"Red-haired Shanks!"

"Perona, I've heard a lot about you from Hawkie." He chirped, catching Perona off guard.

"None of that! What do you think you're doing here?" The ghost princess screeched.

"Visiting my husband." He deadpanned, walking off to Mihawk room and leaving Perona to process everything.

He walked through the halls and up the stairs to open up Mihawks door, hearing a loud "Don't hurt him!!" From the princess.  He shut the door and smiled.

He placed the swordsman on his bed and took Mihawks boots and his necklace off, and put it on the bedside table. He took his own shoes and cloak off and climbed into the bed next to his husband.

Shanks soon fell asleep, and Mihawk opened his eyes. He shuffled closer to Shanks and moved his head into Shanks' chest then smiled. He wrapped his arms around Shanks' side and finally went to sleep.

Zoro and Perona were spying on them and Perona was currently cooing at the two.

"How do I tell Luffy he's got another dad?" Was racing through Zoro's mind, referring to Mihawk being Luffy's new dad.

Mihawk shot his eyes open and glared at the two to go away. The found siblings backed away and closed the door.

The husbands slept peacefully through the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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