"Hmm..? Neige you seem quiet today, what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see Vil again?" Reille asks, showing concern for his dear friend. "Yeah.. but that girl.." Neige responds a little quietly. "A girl? Wait- I thought this was an all boys school?" Elson asks his brother, Andrea, who responds in the same confused tone "I thought that too.." "Well, maybe girls are allowed to attend here now?" Bello says trying to think of a logical reason that is quickly taken down by Jasim. "That's stupid. We didn't even see a girl that was dressed like a NRC student the entire time." "Hey be nice Jasim! Maybe that's their headmaster's daughter?" Elliot says only confusing himself more. "Maybe you're right.." Elson thinks that it seems logical enough. "The headmaster of NRC never had a daughter or even a child. Unless 'she' was brought here for a reason.." Ambrose the headmaster of RSA appears in the room and invades the conversation than Orthro evades your search history. "EHHH!!! HEADMASTER!"



"ACHOO! WHO DA HELL IS TALKING ABOUT ME!" I shout getting mad. "Are you okay Yuu? You've been sneezing for like three minutes straight" Ace says, raising an eyebrow at me after I sneeze again. "Do you have a fever?" Deuce pipes in acting like the momma's boy he is again, which is adorable by the way. "She doesn't have a fever Juice" Grim says as he eats a can of Tuna he snuck into my bag to bring with him. "Yea I'm perfectly fine like Grim said. Don't worry" I give a reassuring smile ignoring the feeling of 'Oh fuck something bout to happen again that is gonna make me two seconds closer to loosing my shit. "See! She's fine! You guy's worry too much!" Grim says eyeballing the two brain cells in front of him. "You guys have a crush on Yuu or something?" "ACK! WHA! NO NOT LIKE THIS!" Ace jumps up shouting causing people to stare our way. "We're friends of course we will worry! Gee, get that through your pee brain!" Deuce says defending himself. Dude, I'm sorry but if you're gay just say so, no wonder you're pale. There's no light in the closet man.


"WHAT?" "FGNYAA!!" "NO WAY!" "EHHH!" "YOU'RE" "TAKING" "YUU!!!" Ace, Deuce, and Grim shout the last part in perfect sync, impressive when you think about it actually. I stand there wide eyed in shock not knowing how to respond to the news that was just given to me.

"No way in hell Neige!" Vil shouts blaming Neige. "WHAT?" Epel screams wanting to punch a fancy rich boy. "Roi de poison, please let's not fight.." Rook doesn't want his too favorite people to fight. "Nee~ She's out shrimpy chan! Get your own!!" Floyd who clearly doesn't like the idea no matter what you say. "I hate that school so much.." Azul who has no contract to win this fight. "You're not taking the herbivore." Leona who might just want Yuu to stay so he has a pillow still so he might actually like Yuu, we'll never know. "Shishi, the pompous flower princes aren't taking our supervisor away! Not on our watch!" Ruggie who is ready to black mail for Yuu to stay, he is a good boy.. DONUTS ARE FOR HIM NOW! "Ehhh!! You're taking Yuu but cousin???!! I want Yuu to stay here with us.." Kalim looks like he is about to cry, how dare you make the sunshine baby cry. [My commentary is necessary for this because I think it's funny. If you don't like oh well I don't care have fun~]

"It's not my fault. It's their decision not mine.." Jasim says as Elliot speaks "But you still agreed Jasim" ".. Don't bother me.." Jamil mumbles under his breath, "Tch.. tiger loving freak.." "Tch.. Shut the hell up Jamil" Jasim says his voice filled with venom clearly not liking Jamil. "JASIM!!" Elliot is once again offended by Jasim's attitude. "Now now. We do have out reasons why we will take her with us." Bello takes a step forward calmly trying to ease the situation as calmly as possible. Crowley storms up to Ambrose fuming. "AMBROSE! What is the meaning of this?!" Ambrose smugly replies "Well you seem to be treating this girl like a servant with so much work to do that she doesn't have time to herself. So, we have decided that we will take her with us and let her have a nice and educational treatment at our school" I stand there still trying to process the situation. I mean Ambrose wasn't wrong.. BUT it's not as bad as he says.. Maybe a little but I like NRC don't I?

"WHAT!" Crowley screams again wanting to strangle Ambrose. Crewel walks up wondering what all the commotion is. "What is all this?!" "They're taking Yuu" Trien says strictly as Vargas speaks, "That's ridiculous! We treat her equally! We don't put too much pressure on her, it'd be bad on her muscles!" "Really? That's what you're worried about?" Trien looks like he is about to murder Vargas for being stupid. "I meant health...." Hmm sure you did bud. "NO WAY IN SEVENS! We won't hand you the only female student at our school! Besides, this school needs a supervisor while we teachers are out of school and out of reach to call us when there's a fight!"

"Then, let her decide.."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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