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Coming to terms that she had been lied to - yet again - had been rough. Much less about the fate of her sister. It wasn't quite water under the bridge just yet. What she would do was still up in the air, but she planned to make an example of Valentina. Regardless, a distraction was needed. Wallowing in pity wasn't how she was going to spend her New Year's. Yelena had kept tabs on Kate since their final interaction. It was safe to say she had made quite the impression. In way over her head with limited capabilities, but she certainly made up for her lack of skill with her enthusiasm. She knew the archer had spent Christmas with Barton and his family, and Yelena found herself relieved Kate wasn't spending the holiday alone. She had lost so much over just a few days. Yelena had been patient, waiting until Kate was back in her family apartment and settled with her dog before she decided to pay her a visit. It was New Year's Eve, and the young assassin found herself surprised Kate had seemed to have decided on staying in. Rather than appearing inside unannounced, Yelena decided on entering just the building without clearance. A progressive step, she liked to think.

Taking the stairs, she ventures toward Kate's door. Yelena had dressed for an evening out, however more casual than formal. Brown plaid, wide-legged waist-high pants accompanied by wedged heels dressed her legs, applying a few inches to her height. Atop, she wore a white branded crop top, with a beige faux fur coat over the top to provide a little cover from the New York winter. Her blonde hair was styled little, left down to keep her pierced ears from exposure to the biting cold. Her Widows bites dressed her wrists. It was rare she went anywhere without them these days. While they were an interesting accessory, it never hurt to be prepared. Approaching the door she knew was her destination, Yelena presses her lips together some before lifting her hand to knock on the solid wood. A relatively small, pleasant smile picks up at the corners of her lips once the door is unlocked, popping free from its frame. "Kate Bishop. I'm here for that drink."

Life after the events at Christmas had been... full on. Christmas with Clint and his family was amazing, a much-needed distraction from the fact that her life is fully falling apart at the seams now. It was easy to play happy families for a little while, to bask in the sheer joy that comes with being around children at Christmas. The Barton's Christmas was considerably more rowdy than the ones Kate experienced as an only child, just her and her mom. Until she was dragged along to some gala to pretend her mom's stuffy friends didn't suck. Now, though, Kate has a place at the Barton's every holiday- Laura's promise, one she appreciates a lot. The woman is like a second mom, one that isn't a secret mobster. N ow that she's finally home in N ew York, though, Kate now has to decide whether or not she's going to stay in the family home or try to fix up her old burnt apartment. She's actually in the process of googling possible contractors, a fun way to spend New Year's as a young single woman when she's jolted by a knock at the door.

"No one should be up here, Lucky.." Kate whispers under her breath, squinting at the door as her dog yawns and stretches lazily, as though there isn't possibly a gangster on the other side of the door, prepared to wipe Kate out because of her mom's evil deeds. "It's fine. I'm fine. This is fine, Lucky, don't get up. Stay there." She almost trips on her blanket as she gets to her feet, grabbing a small statue her mom probably stole for all she knows. She unbolts the door, brings the figure up, cocked and ready to smack whoever this is upside the head, and opens the door.

"--Yelena?" Kate drops the statue and it smashes, but it's better than Yelena thinking she's a threat and putting her on her ass. Again. She isn't ready for another beatdown. Kate blinks and then finally registers her words. "... Really? I'm... in my pyjamas..." She gestures uselessly at herself, still not convinced she's not about to be killed. "Uh... come in?"

Yelena's hazel green eyes immediately take in Kate's current... condition. Stepping back fluidly as the little ornament drops, she regards the damage for a few moments before looking back up. "I hope that wasn't expensive." Though from what she understood.. it would be a while before Eleanor was home to notice anything missing. "Yes, you are in pyjamas," Yelena sounds disappointed, as though Kate should have just known she would have dropped by. "Kate," She begins, keeping her disappointed tone. "There is three hours until they drop the big glitter ball. That's enough time to drink, and to be there to see it." Yelena adds, stepping into the apartment and over the shattered porcelain once invited, getting quite a good look at the very upper-class setting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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