The Visit

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Dan and Kevin decided to meet up after what felt like years. Today, Kevin was finally back in Ireland, and going to meet his best friend. He was a little nervous, but thought nothing of it at the time.

He was somehow even more nervous, when approaching Dan's door, and didn't know why. He stopped right in front of it, and took a deep breath, in hopes of getting his nerves under control. When he felt he was ready, he rang the doorbell.

Dan was in his office working, when he heard the doorbell ring. He glanced at the time on his computer screen and realized it was Kevin behind his front door. Quickly, he got up, and nearly ran, excited to see his friend.

Dan opened the door, and there he was. In all his beauty, Kevin stood, smiling at him. Dan's heartbeat quickened, as he went in for a big hug, smiling widely. Kevin hugged him back.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you" Dan said, almost teary-eyed.

"I missed you loads too" Kevin answered calmly.

Both let go of one another, and Dan invited him in. When they made their way over to Dan's living room, Kevin was nearly nostalgic over the scent in the house. Dan's scent. It felt homey, and comfortable. They sat down on the couch, and catched up to each other's lives.

"Can I hug you again? Sorry, it's just been a really long time, it feels like" Dan said

"Of course you can. And yeah, it feels like it's been too long. I really should visit you more often" Kevin stated.

Dan felt his heart pick back up in pace, after he heard Kevin say that. He specifically said, that he should visit Dan more often. He felt his face get a little warmer, but chose to ignore it. They hugged again, this time slightly longer. They talked for a bit after that.

"Oh yeah! When was the last time you last ate? Are you hungry?" Dan asked suddenly remembering Kevin's long travel there.

"It's been a few hours by now, and I totally forgot, too. What do you want to eat?" Kevin answered.

"I don't think I have the energy to cook right now. Is pizza fine?" Dan said, honestly.

"Yep! That's fine by me" Kevin exclaimed.

Dan chucled at Kevin's excitement. Kevin smiling at Dan as he did so.

'He's got such a cute laugh. Wait- Did I really just- Right' Kevin thought. He felt his cheeks turn warm.

Dan looked at Kevin, and saw his cheeks turn light pink.

'Wait. Does he like it when I laugh? No. What am I even thinking? I shouldn't be thinking about my best friend like that' Dan finished his thought, only to realize, they've been staring at each other for a little too long. Dan decided to avert his gaze. Feeling nervous, for some reason.

Kevin was lost in a trance, until Dan looked away. Only then, did he realize, he had been looking at Dan for all that time.

There was an awkward silence after that. Both remembering only moments later, that they had talked about getting food. They agreed on delivery, as neither wanted to go outside.

"How long were you thinking of staying here for?" Dan asked suddenly.

"Oh, uhm. Maybe a couple days- a week at most" Kevin answered thinking.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you want" Dan exclaimed.

"Thank you, Dan. I really appreciate that" Kevin said, sincerely.

Once more, they were stuck staring at one another.

'He really has some pretty eyes. He just looks so nice. I'm not gay, but if I was, I would definitely have a crush on him' Dan was struck by that though. Was he serious? He felt his face heat up more. Dan realized Kevin probably saw his cheeks turn redder, as his face turned to a small smile.

"Why are you so red, Dan? Do I look that handsome to you?" Kevin laughed. He knew Kevin was joking, but something deep inside wanted to say yes. This only made Dan even more embarrassed, which didn't help with his redness. Dan hid his face in his hands, as a result.

'He looks so cute, when he's all flustered like that. I just want to cuddle him, 'till the end of time.' Kevin then realized how he was thinking, and blushed a little.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back" Kevin said, as he felt like he needed a little time away from Dan. He didn't need to go to the bathroom, he just needed to figure a couple things out.

Dan was relieved to get some alone time. He needed to understand why he was acting like this. He felt like he needed to calm down as much as he could, before Kevin got back.

'He is nice looking.. He has a nice personality... I've always found him interesting, as a person. But why am I like this? Do I like him like that? Surely not' Dan finished his train of thought. He didn't want to go too far into it.

Kevin was lost. He didn't know how to take the whole situation. 'It was surely a misunderstanding, right?'. He needed to go out soon, or Dan might become worried. Kevin splashed his face with cold water, hoping it would clear his mind. After drying his face, he went back to the living room.

Dan was sitting on the couch, watching as Kevin came back.

"I though we might wanna play something, while we wait for our food to get here" Dan stated as Kevin sat down next to him.

"Sure" Kevin said, smiling.


Suddenly, Kevin took Dan's controller saying "You're clearly cheating! Let me see your controller".

"Hey! Give it back! You can't just do that" Dan exclaimed, while reaching over trying to get his controller back.

Kevin wasn't complying, and stretched out his hand. Dan leaned on him, and before they could react, Kevin fell into the couch, with Dan laying on top of him.

Their faces were so close to one another. Both staring at each other with wide eyes. Their faces flushed, as they were both unable to move.

Then, they heard the doorbell ring. Dan got up swiftly, and went to get the door. The delivery driver was slightly taken aback, when he saw how red Dan's face was. Dan thanked the delivery driver, taking the box into his own hands. The delivery driver told him to have a good night, and winked at the end. Dan's eyes got big, after he realized what the person was referring to. Dan closed the door, and went back to Kevin.

Kevin noted how quickly Dan left to get the food. He himself was still in mild shock, after what happened. He sat up, just as Dan was bringing their food in. They hadn't realized how hungry they were, until they smelled the warm pizza. They cut it in half, and ate without saying a word to one another.

After eating the whole pizza, tiredness could be felt in the room. Neither of them noticed, how fast time had gone by. It was already quite dark outside, and the neighborhood was quiet.

"I know we should go to sleep, but I just want to spend so much time with you" Kevin said.

"You'll be here tomorrow, too. We can spend more time then. Don't worry Kevin, we have time" Dan stated calmly.

Although Dan was tired, he still wants to spend all his time with Kevin by his side. He didn't like how quickly he was warming up to the idea of spending the night awake.

Kevin was trying his best to look sad, and plead Dan to be awake for longer, without saying actual words. He could see Dan possibly fighting with himself on whether or not this was a good idea. His face changing from determination or anger, to a soft smile.

"Alright. You win. We can stay up for a bit longer" Dan sounded a little defeated.

"Yay!" Kevin exclaimed excitedly.

"You are such a child, Kevin" Dan stated, smiling.

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