Part 1- Welcoming

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" welcome back students, to this new school year. I can't wait for the year we have ahead of us. Got some exciting news. We have a student starting today. Six years meet your classmate." Dumbledore says

It can't be.
No no no no no

It is him. The beautiful brown eyes that if any girl looks at him will instantly like him. The gorgeous brown hair. No one could resist. Everyone but me.

Why did he have to leave? Why didn't he call or send a letter? Why did he just go?.....


"That can't be right. How could they let a riddle in here?" Harry says from the table next to me

"Shut it harry your just jealous he's hotter then you and all the girls are now swooning over him!" Pansy yelled from one table to another.

" hey pans I think I might go I can't deal with this shit right now."I mutter so only she can hear.

" ok my love, I'll check on you later."pansy says as she knows what happened between you too.

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