Chapter 26

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When Travis woke up, he found himself lying flat on the ground. He stared at the ceiling for a brief moment, contemplating his life. Then, he got up and stretched his limbs. Travis went to his computer to check if anything had happened in the stock market recently. He saw something that made him smile brightly.

"Saga Financial is selling 3% of their shares," he exclaimed in his head.

He was elated to see this because now he could start his attack on the city. He believed that eventually, he would be able to take over the whole place. Without hesitation, Travis purchased the shares, even though it cost him 10,000. He didn't care because he planned to trade and make the money back. After calculating the patterns and seeing a potential profit, Travis traded and got up from his seat.

"I need a bath," he thought.

As he walked out of his room, he noticed Jenny walking out of the bathroom. She stared at him and blushed. Travis walked past Jenny and entered the bathroom.

"Is he going to act like nothing happened yesterday?" she thought. Jenny blushed even harder when she thought about what happened the day before. She ran into her room and locked the door.

"I should also try to forget about everything," she thought. However, she would later realize that this goal was impossible. Meanwhile, Travis bathed thoroughly, but as he did so, Yumi walked up the stairs, still half-asleep. The couch wasn't the most comfortable place for her to sleep, but she had no other choice. Yumi opened the bathroom door and walked in, sitting on the toilet seat to relieve herself. Upon seeing the yellow color of her urine, she promised herself that she would drink a lot of water that day.

Her mind opened to her surroundings, and at that moment, Travis walked out of the shower, standing right in front of Yumi with his "cock shoved" in her face. Yumi stared at it and blushed, and Travis finally noticed her as the steam cleared.

"Yumi, sup," he said as he wiped his body dry. Yumi couldn't move, her eyes glued to his cock.

"Well, hope you have a great day," he said before walking out of the bathroom, leaving Yumi stunned and still processing what she had just seen.

When Travis returned to his room, he noticed that he had gained more money. It was safe to say that he would never have a problem with money. He quickly got dressed and went to Jenny's room. She opened the door and let him inside.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Um, you said you'd fix my hair, so how about you do that?" he said.

"Oh, that. Well, I need Jane to help me with that, so let's do it after you come back from school. Oh, and by the way, you still need to pay me," she replied.

"I'll do that after the job is done. See ya, Jenny," he said. Before he walked out, she grabbed his arm.

"Don't think that just because we did that yesterday I'm your hoe or anything, okay."

"Sure, Jenny. Now let me leave before I'm late for school," he said as he freed himself from her grip. Travis went downstairs to the kitchen, where he had some cereal before kissing Debbie goodbye and leaving for school.

On his way out, Travis received a message from his template, Yugiro Hanma.

"Yugiro Hanma Template: 5%," he read. "No wonder I feel so energized. I thought it was just because I had a good night's rest."

He then noticed his friend Erik walking out of the house, followed by his stepmother Tammy, who handed him his school bag. Travis jogged towards them, excited to finally meet the gorgeous Tammy.

"Oh, look at that, Travis is here," she said sweetly.

"Mrs. Johnson, what's up?" he greeted her.

"Oh, nothing much. How have you been, Travis?" she asked.

"I've been alright. Yo, Erik," he said, acknowledging his friend who seemed preoccupied with his thoughts about an upcoming tournament he would be playing in that weekend.

"Travis, sorry. I was just thinking about something. Alright, bye, Tammy," Erik waved as he started walking away.

"What's up with him?" Travis asked Tammy.

"He has a tournament this weekend and he lost one of his cards, so he's very stressed. By the way, how's Debbie?" she inquired.

"She's good, actually. In fact, she's better than she was a week ago. We spent a lot of time together as a family last week," he replied.

"That's good to hear. Well, Travis, you better get going or you'll be late," Tammy said.

Travis nodded and started running towards Erik. "He's so fit. I wonder why I never noticed before," he thought to himself.

"Hey, Erik, I heard you're in a tournament," Travis said as they walked together.

"Yeah, it's a big deal for me since I've been trying to enter for years now. But this year, I can finally show everyone what I'm made of. I'll kill them all with my card and make them bow down to my orc cock. HAHA," Erik said confidently.

"Damn, that's crazy. Well, if you're so good, why are you stressed?" Travis asked.

"I lost one of my cards. I could buy a new one, but I don't have any money. I wasted it all on a new game that turned out to be trash, and I couldn't return it because the store has a no refunds policy. Now there's a new game called World of Orcette, and I'm desperate to have it," Erik explained sadly.

"I've been there. Which card do you want? I might buy it for you if I get some cash," Travis offered.

Erik's grim look brightened up immediately. "What? For real? If you do, bro, I'll be forever indebted to you. The card's name is the Cock Crown Of Thorns."

"Weird name, no cap, but I'll try to get it for you. Oh, we're already at school, and it looks like we're pretty early," Travis stated.

Travis suddenly felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and saw that Eve was calling him. He answered the call.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Travis, um, could you come here right now? I need something from you," Eve said.

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute."

"Thanks, you're the best."

He ended the call and noticed a message icon on his notification pad. It was a text from an unknown person, but the message revealed it was Yumi.

"Hey, it's Yumi. Sorry for not texting you, I was busy at home. Could we meet up on the weekend? I'll send you the location."

"Oh, I sort of forgot about Yumi. Well, I guess I'll be meeting her soon enough," Travis thought.

"Yo, Erik, I can't enter. Eve asked if I could come to her place. Catch you later," he informed Erik as he sprinted towards Eve's place.

"Damn, Travis is already close to the emo girl. I hope she doesn't break his heart because that heartbreak is going to stick with him forever," the narrator mused. "Erik is the friend who gives the best relationship advice, even though he doesn't have much luck with girls himself. He truly is a legendary companion we all need in our lives."

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