Chapter 31: the trick is to keep breathing

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" it is possible for you have to diabetes and not be aware of the symptoms, they aren't that obvious. Things like needing to urinate more frequently, drinking a lot more, eating a lot more, loss of weight or feeling more tired" the doctor said thinking of the symptoms

" still I don't..." Alex said running a hand through her hair as she showed signs of being anxious and stressed as she felt herself stumbling to understand what was going on as this seemed so sudden as she tried to think of anything that would explain it

" the good news is that I think we've caught this early enough before it became a serious issue for you. Untreated type 1 diabetes can cause more problems like abdominal pain, nausea, breathing problems or even loss of consciousness" he said trying to stress the importance of treatment

" so how do we treat it? I mean what's next?" Alex said as she tried to accept that this was reality as she knew that she needed to know all the facts of what was going on with before she even contemplated telling anyone else like her mom or even AJ

" well I'd need to consult a paediatric endocrinologist, someone who specialises in endocrine system which is the part of the body where insulin and glucose is made but diabetes is manageable and you'll still be able to live a full life" the doctor said reassuring her

" I know this is probably the last thing I should be thinking about right now but will I still be able to play basketball? I'm on my high school team and I'm planning on going to this elite basketball camp in the summer" Alex said knowing basketball was a big part of her life

" regular exercise is encouraged, we'd just need to keep an eye on your glucose levels during that time and take extra steps to ensure your safety. Exercise and sports can cause your glucose levels to either go too high or too low" the doctor said calmly to her

" but I could still play, right? That's good, that's good" Alex said more to herself than to anyone else in the room as she still struggled to comprehend what this would mean for her in the long term as the doctor suddenly wished that a parent was in the room with her

" Alex, like I said diabetes is manageable. First of all we need to establish your glucose levels and what they are over at a certain period, we do that by regular checking your blood and noting them before we decide on things like insulin injections. There's also things like changing your diet that would help regulate your glucose levels" Dr Barnes said as he wanted to stop her from panicking

" okay... sorry, I feel like my brain has suddenly turned to mush" Alex said not sure what else to say as she wished that she wasn't alone right now and that she'd bought her mom or even one of her brothers so they could help her to understand what all this meant

" I know it's a lot to progress right now but it's a good thing we've caught it early. I'm going to ask a nurse to come in and show your how to check your bloods on a glucose machine you can take home with you and how to log it as well as make a follow up appointment to discuss next steps, okay?" The doctor said before getting up from his seat and leaving her alone for a moment

" hi, I'm nurse Jones and I'm here to show you how to check your glucose... Alex? What are you doing here?" Eric said as he walked into the room as he checked the chart in his hand to make sure that he had the right information associated with his brother's girlfriend

" well according Dr Barnes, I have diabetes... type 1 to be exact" Alex said a little dryly as she knew that he already knew that considering why he was in the room and that he was currently holding all of her recent medical notes from her doctor in his hands

" and why are you here alone? Why isn't your mom or Lucas or even AJ with you?" Eric said as he moved around the room to gather everything he needed to follow through with the doctor's orders as he could see that the young girl was still a little numb from the news

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