"How long was I out?" you managed to ask, feeling overwhelmed at what was happening as of the moment.

Is it bad that despite the near death experience I just had... all I could think of was Megumi carried me all the way from the pool to the clinic? That he probably didn't even think twice to help me?

"...for at least a week."

You snap your head to Yuji's direction. "Sorry, what?"

Keysha lightly shake her head. Yuji tilted his head to the side, assessing you. "I said we were advised that you get rest for at least a week." his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay? Do you need us to call the nurse or..."

"I'm fine." you squeaked. Thinking about a certain guy got you all flustered so you avert your gaze from your friends. Dropping your gaze on the floor, you only realized you were dressed in a big white shirt and gym shorts.

You turned to them once again, "Who changed my clothes?"

"I did." Keysha answers, and you felt relieved at that. If the school nurse was the one who did, you'd honestly just let yourself be buried along with the baseball team, that you know your Aunt would do once she finds out who accidentally pushed you into the pool.

You smile gratefully at her, to which she returned. The door of the clinic opened, almost slamming into the wall from the force of it. Everyone turned to the cause of noise. When you met your Aunt's worried gaze and her chest heaving, you bite your lower lip. She definitely ran here from the parking. I have a feeling this is gonna be a long day.

For the past few minutes, your Aunt repeatedly checked if you were okay. She was glad to see Keysha and Yuji, since she knows they were your friends. When she found out abou the detailed incident from Yuji, she frowned. No one stopped her when she demanded to see the whole baseball team with the principal. You sighed, face-palming yourself.

An hour passed and you were sitting inside the car, waiting for her. Yuji was with the baseball team and his coach at the principal's office. Keysha was called by her club, saying goodbye to you and told you to message her when you get home. Before you left, they told you Addie and Harper already visited you earlier while you were asleep. They didn't stay for too long since the Drama Club they joined as a joke was giving them a hard time. You chuckle at that.

Tapping your fingers on your lap anxiously, you kept looking out of the window. You couldn't relax knowing Megumi will most likely be there. Would your Aunt give him a hard time as well? Or would she thank him after finding out he saved you? You'll never know with your Aunt since she can be unpredictable most of the time.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, your Aunt came in view as she walks out of the school. You survey her body language, but you couldn't see if she's still furious. She had a straight face, but when she was nearing, you can see how tensed she is. Oh, no.

The moment she slammed the car door shut, your spine went rigid. "These jocks never learn." she muttered, starting the car. Her movements were jerky and you know she's agitated. She gave you a side glance then stared hard at the rearview mirror, driving backwards. "If they ever bother you again, you tell me Y/N. Alright?" she deadpanned.

You squinted your eyes at her then nodded slowly. She didn't spare you a glance, continuing to steer the poor wheel who was the end receiver of her temper. After a few moments of silence, you couldn't help but break it. "What happened back there, Auntie?" she sighed loudly, like she knew you were going to ask.

"I talked to those boys. Especially those who pushed you to that damned pool. Are there no lifeguards around or somethin'? And that bastard of a coach wasn't even there. He looks smug as hell, too. Y'all are kids, you're supposed to have an adult with you all the time."

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