Chapter 14 - nature

Start from the beginning

Yuzu's head spins. He wants to leave , run, escape. "Let me go. You have ten other consorts. They can give you anything you want. Just ... Let me go. "

Zixuan loosens his grips on Yuzu's wrist to let Yuzu pull back.

Yuzu tries to run as soon as he feels the grip loosen but stumbles two step back because of Zixuan's grip on his hair. Yuzu looks at Zixuan directly in the eyes.

Zixuan chuckles seeing the glare of his fierce cat. He leans closer to Yuzu's ear "Do you know about my nature , Yuzu ?"

Yuzu shivers again. He hates the hot breath in his ear. He tries to take a step back.

Zixuan takes a step closer. "I am tiger , Yuzu. I like to hunt. I love to chase."

Yuzu was about to take another step back but Zixuan pulls him closer by his waist. Yuzu yelps ..

"The more you resist, the more I want you and you are mine anyway. I have all the rights to want you , anytime ... anywhere." Zixuan finishes tying Yuzu's hair with blossom.

Yuzu slowly relaxes in Zixuan's arm as there is no way he can escape "What about my rights ? What about what I want ? Just because you are an emperor, you can do whatever you want ?"

"I am not just an emperor to you consort Yuzu. I am your husband too."

"You are not my husband..our marriage is not consumed." Yuzu hisses. "Don't forget that."

"Are you trying deny that you are my consort ?"

"Don't I have enough reasons to do so ?" Yuzu retorts. He knows he can't win against Zixuan in strength but he will not give up. If needed then he will insult Zixuan to the level that Zixuan himself will throw him away.

Zixuan raises his one eyebrow. He likes it that his male consort is finally being a man that he is because he knows how to tame a hissing cat very well.

"I don't know about your reasons consort Yuzu but I have enough reason to slaughter your beloved maid Meimei and chief minister Xingchen. Is he your beloved too ?"

Yuzu widens his eyes "They have nothing to do in this."

"Entering my consort's bed chamber at night , dismissing all the maids to be alone with my consort ..  has nothing to do ?"

Yuzu looks at his waist as he feels an intense pain "let me go... You are... Hurting me."

"Does he not hurt you ?"

Yuzu glares at Zixuan with hatred in his eyes "You are sick. I can't believe I have ever loved you."

Zixuan chuckles releasing the pressure from Yuzu's waist. "Let's go inside. It's late already."

"I will not go to main palace."

"Ok , fine by me. I will order the guards to take Xingchen away." Zixuan leaves Yuzu in the garden and starts walking towards the hall. .

Yuzu blinks. Will Zixuan actually slaughter Xingchen? He doesn't think so. But what if ...

Yuzu runs behind Zixuan and enters the hall. "I will go but I have conditions."

The chaotic hall falls into complete silence as Yuzu walks in , talking all alone.

"N.consort Yuzu , who are you talking with ? Don't tell me you have grown a habit of talking alone because his highness doesn't visit you." Concubine  Afreen mocks.

Everybody in the hall Snickers.

"N.consort Yuzu, didn't you find his highness in the garden ? Or was he busy with concubine Jia-li ?" Another consort mocks too.

Yuzu blinks. He looks around. Zixuan surely came towards the hall. Where did he go ?

"N.consort Yuzu, I heard his highness took away blossom from you , was that a rumour ? Was it always with you ? I didn't see it when you came here ." Consort Anaya asks looking at Yuzu's hair. She was expecting his highness to give the blossom to her as after consort Yuzu she has the longest and healthiest hair in the palace. But it seems ... Consort Yuzu still has the Blossom in his hair.

"His highness took away the blossom from him. I have the right information." A new concubine who shouts forgetting her eticates.

Concubine Afreen steps forward "Didn't his highness give a hair-stick to Jia-li as her baby shower gift ?" 

Every other consort and concubines look at each other "yes ! That's the news says."

Afreen smirks. She knows his highness gave Jia-li a simple Jade hair-stick which is nowhere close to 'The Blossom' but how can she let go such a golden chance. "Don't tell me, you met Jia-li in the garden and snatched blossom from her ?"

Yuzu frowns at Afreen. Why does he feel like Afreen is being testy towards him. Of course, Afreen reduced his allowance next to zero in his last life but she never schemed against him. She is royal consort of Zi kingdom and she always maintains her class.

"N.consort Yuzu , you are the head of harem but you can't use your power against us like this." Consort Anaya protests.

Yuzu frowns harder. He doesn't think he needs to explain anything to these consorts but the water is going about his head now "You all should mind your own business. I haven't snatched anything from anyone."

Afreen tilts her head "Don't lie, N.consort Yuzu. We all know the truth here."

"Yes ! Give it back , right now. Blossom doesn't belong to you anymore." Anaya takes a step forward beside Afreen.

Yuzu chuckles in disbelieve. This two days consorts are shouting at him ? They never dared to do it in his last life even when he was abandoned.

"N.consort Yuzu" Afreen call in a firm voice. "We will not disrespect you if you give back what you snatched respectfully. But...But if you don't, we have to snatch it from you forcefully ."


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