The king

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Izuku has a quirk. He really only learns about it because of a chance encounter with kendo itsuka.

It is a chess related quirk we're Izuku can enlist 15 different people as a different piece.

Activation requirements:
Mutual respect
The enlisted does not think themselves above Izuku
Good intentions

Queen - mutates the quirk of the queen and gives it additional strength, durability, and speed
Bishop - mutates the quirk of the bishop
Rook - provides a little more strength/durability than the queen
Knight - provides a little more speed than the queen
Pawn - can promote itself to whatever piece for 5 minutes with a 5 minute cooldown
King - gets strength, durability, and speed for every "piece on the board".  7 is queen level stats. 10 is rook and knight level stats. Maxes at 15.

(7 is about 12% ofa. 10 is 17% ofa. 15 is 30% ofa. Those are the strengths compared to one for all)

One for all enhancements:
All buffs are enhanced with +10% ofa
Each piece (with exception from the king who can use all) can use 1 of the stored quirks.
Pawn - dangersense
Knight - fa Jin
Rook - black whip
Bishop - smokescreen
Queen - float

Izuku x harem
Kendo - queen
Ochaco - bishop
Toru - bishop
Mina - knight
Pony - knight
Kirishima - rook (not in harem)
Tsu - rook
Jiro - pawn
Setsuna - pawn
Ibarra - pawn
Yui kodai - pawn
Reiko - pawn
Kinoko - pawn
Momo - pawn
Denki - pawn (not in harem)

Kendo mutated - she can now enlarge, as well as shrink, her hands, arms, feet, and legs

Ochaco mutated - she can now control when she uses her gravity, remove it, and increase gravity

Toru mutated - she can now turn visible and she can create mirages with light, as well as she can turn on an invisibility field where everything she wants goes invisible, whether person or object

I am not going over pawn mutations 

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