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Sib looks at Gene and feels such a storm of emotions. He is for him the most charming, the sweetest, handsomest and generally the most beautiful and wonderful person in the whole world. He can't think of anyone but Gene. If Gene is around, he is always the center of Nubsib's attention and he notices only him.
Gene had always been like the sun to him. And as if nothing has changed since their childhood and Sib looks at the elder with the same enthusiastic look. For Nubsib, he is the center of the universe. And it seems to him that he can do anything for Gene and he wants to do it. Sib wants to show him how much he loves him. To show all his love, but no matter what he does, it's impossible... that won't be enough. Nothing can fully express the depth of his love and affection for Gene.

Sib likes to sit quietly by Gene while he writes his novels and watch him. He tries not to disturb him, because he knows that Gene will swear again, but Sib is happy to even just be around him like this when he has some free time. And if Gene also allows him to lie on his lap while he is working, then for Nubsib it will be the highest happiness.

Sib looks closely at the facial features of a loved one. And although Gene doesn't consider himself handsome enough, Sib loves everything about him. His round eyes with long eyelashes: which are noticeable only up close; soft pink cheeks: which are especially beautiful when Gene smiles, and Nubsib can't help but kiss them; plump peach lips: on which Sib stops his gaze a little longer and tries to refrain from kissing; big cute ears: which Sib likes to nibble, and At this time, Gene will squeal with displeasure, but not push Sib away, because he actually likes it too; a small, neat nose: which Gene funny wrinkles when embarrassed or sulks at some "Sib's stupid trick"; fluffy disheveled hair: which Sib strokes while they fall asleep in an embrace.

Sib a has an attack of love for Gene again and he can't cope with it.

He can't say anything, do anything because at this moment he just doesn't know how to convey all his feelings.
He covers his face with his hands and makes incomprehensible sounds, more like mumbling or whining.
Now Sib could no longer go unnoticed: the muffled "cries of love" brought back Gene to reality, who was completely immersed in his work. Looking around the room with a frightened look, Gene found Nubsib sitting on the floor next to him.

The behavior of the younger one greatly worried him:

– S-sib what are you doing? – Gene slowly patted Sib on the shoulder and wondered if his boyfriend was even alive. Nubsib continued to sit motionless, covering his face with his hands, but in silence.

– Are you okay? Something happened? – Gene asked anxiously, getting no reaction.

Sib realized that the reason for his little "tantrum" finally gave him his attention, removed his hands from his face and turned to Gene, looking at his boyfriend in confusion and embarrassment.

– Sib, what are you doing? – Gene asked glumly, – You scared me. I told you not to come in here when I'm working.

– I'm sorry...

Now Sib looked upset. Gene rolled his eyes. He didn't want that at all. Sometimes his boyfriend behaves strangely, and Gene does not understand at all how to evaluate his actions and how to react to it. Gene may also not be so clear about his true feelings: it may seem that he is angry, but he is actually worried about Nubsib.

– It's okay. – Gene replied a little irritably – Don't apologize. I'm not angry. I really wonder what made you behave like that.

– Geneee – Sib decided to transfer his rush of tenderness to the elder instead of answering and hugged him tightly. – I love you so much.

– Well, what is it, little fox? You're scaring me a little. Are you okay?

– It's okay, Gene. – Sib purred, rubbing his cheek against Gene's.

– Well, what was it? Decided to draw attention to yourself? – Gene asked with a laugh. – I'm serious, don't do that anymore, I was really scared.

– Sorry – Sib began to cover the left side of Gene's face with light kisses. – I interrupted you again.

– That's not the point. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that everything is fine with you. – Gene did not have time to finish the sentence clearly and burst into quiet laughter caused by Nubsib's caresses. – Stop it, Sib, it tickles.

Sib broke away from his beloved's face and pecked him on the lips and smiled gently.

– I love you so much, Gene. – said Nubsib, for whom the word "Gene" alone is the most beautiful word that exists in this world. – I love you so much that it seems, sometimes, I can't stand it.

Gene smiles warmly and gently kisses his Sib. The kiss is slow and light, with all the pure love and appreciation that Gene wants to convey.

– I love you too. More than you think.

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