Chapter 2

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At 4pm everyone filed into the common area, taking their seats on the circular couch that sits in pit in the center. Hongjoong and Seonghwa were the only ones standing, the two of them going to brief the rest of the crew on the plan. "Alright so, the red vipers ship is heading towards planet 59, we assume for a supply run. We will intercept them before they reach the planets ship docking station. San will stay here and keep the ship stable and aligned with their ship while Jongho, Seonghwa and Mingi slip onto their ship and rescue the prince" Hongjoong began explaining. Everyone sat quietly their attention focused on their Captain as he spoke. "Wooyoung, you and Yeo will slip onto the ship and disable their hyperdrive, as well as their navigation system so they can't follow us once his highness is safely on board." Both Wooyoung and Yeo nodded. The plan seemed simple enough for them, as long as Seonghwa, Mingi, and Jongho dispatched of majority of the red viper crew they should be able to slip in unnoticed. "We have a feeling that they will try to shift into one of us to throw us off, therefore in order to differentiate us from the shifters we will all be given this" Seonghwa held up a small device that looked like syringe, "there is a marker in here that will go into everyone's palm, press on it and it will glow orange, indicating that we are not the shifters." "Since the shifters can replicate anything that is visible to them, they wont be able to replicate this device" Hongjoong added. Wooyoung pouted, "must we have that big ass needed go in us?" He never liked shots, and that needle Seonghwa was holding looked thick. "Yes, it's the best way to not leave a scar ,so they shifters don't expect anything, it won't hurt" he knew Seonghwa was lying to him about the last part but he kept his mouth shut. "How are we gonna get it out once the mission is over?" Mingi asked his left eye that wasn't covered by the eyepatch looked at the syringe. " Yunho is going to have to surgically remove it" Seonghwa gave a sheepish smile his tail swishing behind him. Wooyoung shook his head, "nope nope and fucking nope, there's no way I'm gonna let you stab that needle in me just so Yunho has to cut me open later" "it's not going to hurt, it's going to be a small incision and boom it'll be out" Yunho reassured his friend. "Still no, I'm not doing it Yeo is perfectly capable of disabling everything on his own" Wooyoung shook his head, he seriously hated sharp objects going anywhere near him.

"Wooyoung you're getting the injection and that's the end of it" the authority in Hongjoong's voice shut Wooyoung up in an instant. The red haired male turned his attention to San, "San get your injection first, then head to the cockpit and take us to the red vipers ship, I've already added the description of it, you can do the rest". San nodded going over to Seonghwa, sticking out his right hand. The Feline pushed the needle into the palm of his hand before pressing down on the trigger shooting the device into the waterlings palm. San winced a bit the sharp sting of the needle entering his skin was unpleasant. Once Seonghwa pulled out the needle, he made his way towards the cockpit. One by one Mingi, Yunho, Jongho, Yeo, and Wooyoung got up to get the injection. Wooyoung rubbing his hand too soothe the stinging pain that was left once his injection was over.


Once San located the red vipers ship, he turned on the ships ray shield before he maneuvered the Star 1117 closer. He knew once he agitated the locking mechanism, locking the ship to theirs, the red viper crew would be alerted to their presence. Hongjoong watched from his captains chair as San activated the ships locking mechanism, the Star 1117 became glued to the red vipers ship. "The ships are locked Captain" San announced. "Good" Hongjoong pressed the button on his chair turning on the intercom system, "the ships are locked, it's time to start our mission, remember Prince Soobin's safety is our utmost priority. Therefore do whatever you can do ensure his safety". Jongho and Seonghwa smiled wide, knowing exactly what their Captain meant. If it came two it the two of them could get more feral and rip out some throats. "Oh great he just gave them the green light to eat them" Wooyoung sighed adjusting his gun holster on his hip.

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