You arrived at the castle after a very melancholy and depressing two hours. The castle was built so long ago that its walls seemed tasteless to the modern population. It had gothic styled details with beige walls and gray roofs with old stained glass windows.

"Allow me to get your bags, your grace." Your chauffeur said bowing to you before grabbing your luggage. You turned around to see his face contorted with a vein popping out of his neck and a crimson red face.

"I'm afraid you packed too much, your grace." Rico mumbled next to you as you let out a giggle.

The knights of the castle lead you to Historia.
"Tori! Oh my sweet sister!" You said running up to your sister and giving her a hug so tight it could rival corsets.

"Y/n, my goodness!" She laughed and immediately hugged you back.

"I hate to be so imprudent but, how are you Tori?" You said releasing your hold to your sister and rubbing your hands together, waiting for her response.

"I'm not going to say I'm fine because I'm not one to lie, but I'm past the stage where every thought of my father dwells in my mind everyday." Her voice cracked in the middle and she looked up to stop herself from crying. You placed a hand on her shoulder for reassurance. She had always lied about her feelings.You would have expected it.

"Your highness, Your grace," A knight bowed to both of you. " I hate to interrupt but the commander is here for battle plans, your highness."

"Ah, yes yes I'm on my way." Historia swatted her hand towards the knight as if he was rushing her. "You're coming too Y/n."

"But Tori this is war business i've never been to a war counci-"

"Ah Ah! Shush, the last thing I need right now is to be without you alright?"


As the two of you walked into the council room all the commanding officers of Eldia sat up from their seats and bowed to the both of you. You spotted Rico and gave her a smile as you sat down next to your sister.

"So," Commander Keith Shadis cleared his throat before starting his sentence. "Were here to discuss the matter of-"

"Sorry I'm late!"

All of the heads in the room turned to the section commander of Mitras, Eren Yeager. Everyone stared at him until he awkwardly sat down at the table.

"As I was saying," he raised his voice, still staring at Yeager. " We're here to discuss the matters of highly dangerous adversaries. Let's begin." Shadis gestured for the knight standing behind him to give him an envelope he was holding. "First things first is letters. We do these first because they are the least of our problems." You nod as if you already knew that. "We received an um," He cleared his throat "a strongly worded letter from an unknown address."

"Well read it then." Eren gestured, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

Silence filled the room for an awkwardly long

"Mr, Yeager there are ladies present." He said sternly, adding an emphasis on 'ladies'.

"Right," he muttered looking at you and Historia. "my bad."

"Back to paramount ideals, this letter, we didn't get an address but we got a name." You leaned forward as you were slightly excited. "It was sent by one, Zoe Hange."

"The rugrat?" Rico scoffed in a way that signified she was no threat.

"I thought these were supposed to be people who could be adversaries Keith." Eren laughed.

"Mr. Yeager it is commander Shadis for the millionth time!" He yelled and slammed his fists against the table.

Your eyes dashed from Rico to your sister frantically.

"Yikes sorry..." Eren threw his hands up in defense as Shadis pinched his nose in frustration.

"The letter demanded resources and attention for the citizens of Mitras but in all fairness there's nothin' we can do." Commander Floch Forster stepped in.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" The queen furrowed her brows and looked at everyone in desperation. Historia hated seeing people in pain. She always understood how people felt and was even so caring she had a room made just for her stuffed animals to sleep comfortably so you couldn't imagine how hopeless she was feeling right now. The people in the room including you looked down to avoid eye contact with the queen. "Commander Shadis, was there any address mentioned in the letter that we could send a reply to?"

"Yes, your highness, a small farming town a couple miles north from here."

"Get me a paper and a pen, i'll try my best to de-escalate the situation."

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