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13 years ago,a sudden earthquake rumbled the great lands of Shinobi, leaving a massive crack across the villages.30 crystal beasts crawled out of the crack.Untamed,the Beast attacked the villages and feeding on humans, until one Shinobi sacrificed his life to seal all 20 of the beasts in newborn humans, including his son.

The beasts had floating crystal orbs symbolising their power level

The beasts where giant animals
The humans gave them names,it was Ekans the 1 crystal eagle,Adnocana the 2crystal snake, Akasha the 3 crystal frog,Kanosi the 4 crystal scorpion, Yakima the 5 crystal shark,Konaha the 6 crystal bear, Yasuhiro the 7 crystal ant, Wakanda the 8 crystal panther,Kishamaru the 9 crystal spider,Akashon the 10 crystal wolf, Kong the 11 crystal gorilla, Minochi the 12 crystal cheetah,Clashki the 13 crystal lobster, Shiamak the 14 crystal dragon, Chakra the 15 crystal tiger,Agasukhi the 16 crystal lion , Mahjong the 17 crystal parrot,Samachi the 18 crystal salamander,Daki the 19 crystal bull and Kaiyokin the 20 crystal wasp

The humans with the crystal beasts inside of them where called sealeds,and had to tame the beasts before they turn 18 years old.If not,the beasts will rip out of the human body.

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