32|Transmission 1 ~Winter Break~

Start from the beginning

As the last remaining members of the audience piled back into their seats, Mob walked back out from the concessions area with a refreshed look on his face, though when he saw everyone staring at him his face was immediately red from embarrassment, he never liked being the center of attention especially when so many people that were paying attention to him were girls.

Mob skittishly walked back to his seat in silence and sat down in it as most of the audience gave up on looking back at him minus Kaminari and Mina who were nearly breaking their own necks with how far they were twisting them to look directly at Mob. "Kaminari, Ashido, look back at the screen." Aizawa roughly told the two students as they suddenly whipped their heads so fast back to the screen that Mob himself swore he heard the noises of actual whips. "I hope their necks are ok after doing that..." Mob thought to himself as the screen lit up, preparing for the next episode to begin of Mob Psycho 100 Season 3.


The episode begins with Mob's school as one of Tome's teachers talks to his students about the fact they have to soon prepare for their entrance exams for High School as graduation was fast approaching. Tome is shocked by this as she then calls for a meeting with the somewhat former telepathy club where she tells her underclassmen that her and Kijibayashi will be graduating in about three months time, which will only leave Inukawa and Saruta as the only members of the club. She then explains that the Telepathy Club will more than likely dissolve on its own and asks if they find that sad.

"Not to be rude, but wasn't it already dissolved after the Body Improvement Club took their spot?" Hagakure asked. "Technically yes. All of the funding was pulled and they no longer had a room to call their own, meaning that officially the club had already been dissolved, it's only the kindness from The Body Improvement Club that's allowed them to continue to stay in that room, and like Tome said. After her and Kijibayashi graduate, the club will fully dissolve as neither Inukawa or Saruta seem to care too much about continuing the club and just want a place to... well slack off." Momo explains

"It's for the best that the club gets fully dissolved, these kids should be spending their time studying for their high school entrance exams rather than slacking off and eating junk food." Aizawa bluntly states. "Aw c'mon Sho! They're just kids, let em live a little!" Present Mic tries to Sway Aizawa's opinion, but it doesn't work.

Inukawa questions what's there's to be sad about, Tome tries to explain that they haven't made many memories together and asks them to try and remember the good times they've had, but the only thing they can think of are the times the just slacked off instead of doing actual club activities. Tome then appears saddened by the fact none of them bring up any actual memories besides them slacking off as she begins to cry.

"Woah! I didn't expect her to take the club this seriously!" Mina shouts. "Perhaps due to her soon becoming a high school she began to think back to her time in middle school only to realize her time in the Telepathy Club was mainly slacking off and wanted to find a time where they weren't doing so?" Iida proposes.

Tome complains that they never made any real strides in their telepathy research and how this was the only chance they had. The other members of the group don't take her seriously as either ignore her worries, tell her to stick with the telepathy thing in high school, or revealing they didn't think she was actually being serious about conversing with Aliens.

She admits that she'll still be taking part in her research as a hobby, but that this would be the only time she could spend with the others and how they were the only dummies who'd aim for the same strange goal with her. She then asks how they all feel only to see that none of them really thought about the goal or seemingly didn't care too much about it. Tome lets out a large sigh as she thanks the boys for everything and announces that she was officially disbanding the Telepathy Club. The boys then question how serious Tome was about this alien stuff as Inukawa asks if they should read the books they had in there.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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