The Cowgirl and Prince Charming

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Chapter One

He wasn't good looking in your typical style of what some may consider good-looking. He was average, but when he smiled and those blue eyes sparkled and his lips pulled into a welcoming smile, well he made my knees tremble and my stomach twist in knots and my heart leap with happiness, that was the type of man he was, beyond average by my hearts standard and maybe not the whole public viewing area, but too me he was what a man should be, as I assumed in those years what a man ought to be.

 Unknown to him sense he held my hand in the playground, near the swings, that he had grabbed a piece of me, and he still had it. I wanted to be his best-friend every sense that second; I wanted to be a moment filling into minutes of his life. 

Than sixth grade happened and we were relocated to another school, where there was more pretty girls and social clicks that separated groups by belief, by the love of music, by the color of your hair, groups who did drug, took medication, athletics, cheerleaders, geeks, nerds, wall flowers, and so many more. Now as I look back I ask myself how I, the only country pumpkin, was a little bit of many of the groups, yet not enough to holding standings among them.

 I was a loner through middle school. I sat back and watched him fit so easily into the groove of social networking and popularity. He hadn't done much to enter the cool crowd, but catch the eye of Summer Mae Hallowick’s.

 She snagged him so quickly that I hadn't time to reach out and pull him back. He was popular with all groups, I often thought if he hadn't the best smile ever, it might not of been so easy for him to be so damn like-able. Yet, what did I know in those years, seemed so long ago in my mind. 

Middle School was not my best years. I needed braces and received a bad perm, acne was a common nightmare, my hips widened some with the sugary treats known as candy bars, I was beyond the wall flowers that lined the hallways hoping to get a glimpse of his presents as he made a simple entree into school, every morning as scheduled.  I just lingered in the darkness, loving and resenting the man I loved and remembered, yet also hating him for not remembering me. You suck Luke Jensen. I can do better than you, I often told myself as I drooled from the mental wrapped like a fence around my crooked teeth.

He looked so daunting entering to doorway with the sun beaming around him, he could be in a toothpaste commercial, and his smile was just alluring. He was the schools wake up and smells the coffee kind of attitude. He was caffeine to so many mornings; I resented him by eighth grade. 

Buy the time eight grade was over I was on the mad stoker of the I hate Luke Jensen's fan club, not once did he acknowledge me in those three years if hell. He never looked my way or gave in notion to a single person that he had ever known me, I was last to everyone at middle school, at least the wall flower girls could giggle and hope that they may see a glimmer of hope from a passing look. Not me, because his eyes always looked forward and his jar clinched at times and after awhile, I could look no more at him because I was hideous to him. I could feel his choice to ignore my existence, was buy choice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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