The Change

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To make a sup is dangerous and time consuming, most sups don't make another sup, a sup can only make another sup every 25 years, in a mixed species relationship, it's not unusual for one sup to change to their mate's species, it's done the same way as the change, the change process must be strictly followed, once a sup or human has decided to make the change the following is done.
The maker and the changer apply at their council, they fill out the change paperwork.
The council organise a meeting with the maker and changer.
The council ask questions, such as why the changer wants to make the change, relationship between maker and the changer.
The council tell the changer the pros and cons of making the change.
The changer goes through mental, physical and physiological tests, if they pass they move onto the next stage, (this stage is skipped in an emergency changes, and go straight to the change).
A date will be set up for the change, during this wait, the changer can change their minds at any time.
The change is long and painful, which is done in a hospital.
The changer is strapped to a guernsey, a nurse inserts 3 tubes into the changer's arms 2 in one, 1 in the other.
The nurse inserts morphine into one of the tubes, the other 2 are used for the blood transfusion and blood removal.
90% of the changer's blood is removed, it's replaced with their maker's blood.
The morphine helps with the pain, venom from their maker is inserted into the arm and leg veins and directly into the heart, 5 other nurses help the venom go through the changer's body, the main nurse uses resuscitation technique to move the venom through the heart.
A doctor oversees the procedure, 6 members of the council and the maker stay with the changer through the whole proces.
Then the waiting game starts, the change takes 5 days, during this time, the changer will be in excruciating pain.
Only 1 out of 10 living die during the change, once the change is over, the maker must look after the new sup.
The maker must teach the new sup everything about their species, if they haven't already.
If their maker can't do this, a member from their coven/pack will do this.
A new sup is more dangerous, stronger, hungrier, aggressive, short tempered, vicious, emotional and unpredictable, so they must be supervised at all times.
New Sups are supervised for a month, until they are balanced, before a sup leaves the hospital, they need to feed, their fed blood, no matter what species they are.
All steps are ignored if a human or another species is close to death, if they choose to, or if a family member or friend chooses the change for them, the paper work is done during the change, at least 3 council members and the maker must attend.

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