I watched for a moment as he stomped over to one of the bookshelves on the wall and stared at the books there. He didn't have his gloves on, he never did when we were here. He only wore them as a way to stay in control, but sometimes it was okay to give up that control somewhere that you felt that you could. He fingers glided over the spines of all of the books there before stopping on a well loved copy of the Sherlock Holmes stories. I tired not to read too much into the choice as I watched the other wrap the blanket that he had strewn across me before, around himself and sit down on his half of the couch with his back to me.

Tearing my eyes away from the lone figure, I busied myself with the task at hand. Cracking open eggs and whisking them together in a bowl, spraying the Pam that they would cook in and putting it on the burner to warm up before cooking the eggs. The older man had a small array of jams that I pulled out after putting a few slices of bread into the toaster oven. There was a small amount of fruit in the fridge, but it was enough for today. After cutting up an apple or two into small square, I put the bites into a bowl with a small assortment of berries that I found as well and got to work on the eggs.

The smell of food drew the mafioso off of the couch not much later as I started to set the small table at the edge of the kitchen area of the house. He didn't say anything as he walked over, taking the seat in front of mine with a curious gaze before serving himself a portion of each. I knew that it wasn't anything close to what he would normally eat as there wasn't a single grain of rice or piece of fish in sight, but sometimes it was nice to do things a little abnormally... like this whole morning has been thus far. I watched as he tentatively took an experimental bite before deciding that it was edible and starting in with earnest.

We ate in silence for a long time before it became too much for me. There was hardly a quiet moment at the Agency, with or without me being the one to initiate the chaos that ensues, and silence just didn't fit the pair of us. For the first time in close to two weeks, I was able to sleep without nightmares plaguing my dreams, but now that I truly wanted to speak the only other person in the room might as well have taken a vow of silence since I saw him last.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, purposefully catching the other man between bites so that he would have no excuse to not answer. "Why were you even in the cemetery at all?"

As soon as I asked the question, my brain supplied me with my own answers to them, but none of the rung as the truth even if they very well were. I needed to hear them from  

The adult sent me a scathing look as he put his fork full of eggs back onto the plate with a natural grace that I've always adored. "I knew what day yesterday was," the other explained, his voice unnaturally soft. "I knew what it meant to you... what he meant to you. And I knew that you would be taking shit care of yourself if left to your own devices."

I sucked in a small gasp of air, but it was quite enough that the other ability user couldn't hear. In all of the theories that I had made up in my head, him doing this because of some lingering sense of needing to care for me was high on the list, but never did I expect for him to say it as bluntly as he just had.

"Aww, Chibi does care then!" I cooed, trying to lighten the tension that has been a physical weight sense the moment I opened my eyes.

"Shut up you bandage freak!" The other male exclaimed, pointing his fork at me in what I was sure was supposed to be a threatening manner, but the sentiment was dulled by the small clump of scrambled egg still on it. "I already told you that I would be the one to kill you, slimly bastard."

The other's checks were flushed and I couldn't stop the small laugh that escaped my lips, ringing through the air like a foreign melody that I had forgotten could be composed. It had been years since I laughed like this, something small but true, not the boisterous thing that I let out at the Agency so that the others don't catch on that I'm wrong , that I'm something other than them. Something that can't even be classified as human on the best of days. 

A Melody We Were Never Supposed To HearWhere stories live. Discover now