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time moves slow - badbadnotgood
running away is easy
it's the living that's hard
and loving you was easy
it was you leaving that scarred
cause when you're so alone
time moves slow


i slammed on the breaks, my dad groaning in pain. we were at the landing strip, no time to process what was going on before i jumped out. i ran around the car, opening the door and tried to grab my dad. his blood stained my hands, "come on." i groaned, trying to stand him up. "i'm trying honey." he cried in pain as we stood up together.

the faces of the pouges stared back at me.

ward screamed in pain, my eyes darting to see him on the pavement. rafe was consoling him, telling him that everything was going to be okay. was it?

"come on! help! help!" rafe gestured over to me. my dads arm was slung over my shoulder. i didn't expect anyone to help me, not even glance at me but pope came quick. rafe begged until sarah ran over, i knew she was conflicted.

"thank you." i mumbled to pope as he lifted most of my dads weight. "i owe you, wasp stings remember?" he whispered and that sentence alone made me want to cry. the past came flooding back suddenly, but just as fast as it came it was gone. "you owe me nothing pope." i reminded him. they should hate me, they should want to watch me suffer.

"fishermen spotted them... they know they're alive." rafe said. we made it to the stairs first and i walked my dad up. the plane was ready, moments from take off. i didn't have time for questions, my dad only groaned as i set him down.

rafe came in, "i got you." he told his dad, setting him next to mine. i grabbed a blanket that was laid on top of one the seats. i pressed firmly on the wound, "pressure okay?" i nodded to him and he just repeated my action. his hand held mine as i pressed, my hand gently moving.

i stood up fully.

"are you okay?" rafe asked me and i just nodded, my eyes fluttering up to his. he gently nodded to the door and i knew what he meant. it was time to go.

my mind wondered, should i say goodbye? would i ever see him again? it felt like i wouldnt, that this was it.

rafe disappeared and when i turned around i felt a gentle hand. "my baby." he mumbled and i slowly turned, seeing his eyes filled with tears. i opened my mouth to say something, "i-i love you and i'm sorry. you're right, about all of this. whatever you do in this life, wherever you go i just... i'm proud of you." he cried and i felt my own eyes burn with tears.

i bent down, grabbing his head.

it felt like i was little again, my dad used to kiss my forehead. the roles reversed and here i was, saying goodbye to my father. the man that used to check under my bed for monsters. the man that taught me how to drive a boat, how to surf. the man i cried to about my first boyfriend, the man i cried to about rafe. my dad who used to build me forts in the living room, who helped me with my math homework.

there was never going to be more sunday night football, no more calls if my car ever breaks down.

this was it.

so i kissed his forehead, "i love you too dad." i whispered, i tear slowly falling as i removed my hand. my feet carried me off, refusing to look back at his face. my heart was heavy as i walked down the stairs and onto the tarmac.

i walked past pope, who gave me a nod as he got onto the plane. there was a girl, who ignored me completely. i held myself as i walked towards rafe, my tears still falling. i stopped once i saw him and sarah talking, keeping my distance.

she eyed me, "please take care of him." rafe said and i chewed on the inside of my cheek. she walked past him, reaching for my hand. "you can come with us." she whispered, pulling me gently. "you know i wouldn't...." i mumbled and she only nodded.

"be safe please." i grabbed her, wrapping her in a tight hug. "you too." she squeezed me, pulling away and running her fingers through my hair. she gave me a soft smile, i tried to return it.

then she disappeared too, leaving me.

i stepped forward, rafe eyeing john b who finally turned around. "if you do anything to him, to sunny's dad... i swear to god i'll find you." john b only eyed him, the sirens making everyone look out into the distance.

rafe turned, john b brushing past him.

he gave me a nod, a farewell before boarding the plane. i backed away, joining rafe. he grabbed my hand, pulling me quickly. i eyed the plane, my lips in a thin line.

"we can take my car, get your bike tom-" i began to say, my hand still in his when wards voice cut through. "wait rafe!" he yelled, making rafe stop. "rafe!" he yelled again and i tugged his hand. he let it go, "wait-" i said but he just held up one finger, "one minute? please just one." he asked me and i nodded. i couldn't say no, i couldn't deny him of that.

ward was trying to come down the stairs, the plane engines were starting. lighting cracked in the background, making me shiver. "dad hey! get back on the plane!" rafe called, holding his helmet in his hands. "they're coming right now." rafe said but ward just shook his head.

"i gottta talk to you come here quick." rafe just turned, looking behind him then back to his dad. "you gotta go!" he said but ward just leaned on his cane for support. "rafe now!" he yelled. "shit." rafe quickly approached his dad and i watched.

i watched as they held each other. they talked low so no one could hear. it was only a minute, a quick goodbye but i knew that would mean so much to rafe. it was something he needed, even if i didn't know what they said to each other. rafe backed up, his dad going back on the plane.

"goodbye son, take care of sunny." ward called one last time. rafe seemed in a daze, only backing up until my hands reached for his back. he stopped once he felt me, "rafe we have to go." i walked until i was in front of him, eyeing his face. he only stared at the ground, finally looking up to watch the plane take off.

i turned and watched it to.

and then the sirens were close, in fact right behind us. my head hit rafe's chest, shaking before his hands grabbed my arms. "whatever happens, it'll be okay." he whispered into my ear. my eyebrows furrowed, looking up.

rafe turned me then, keeping me behind him. i blinked, we were surrounded. "well... shit rafe." shoupe just looked at us. "looks like you both got a story to tell."

and there's part two wow :(

until next season of course, i'll be back and so will sunny<3 thank u for reading i hope you enjoyed! now we wait...;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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