I couldn't control myself... I needed to eat. I had to eat.

The only thing I seemed to be focused on was escaping from my restraints. So much so, that I paid no mind to the door ahead of my opening and closing.

I only continued to attempt my escape. I didn't get to finish eating that girl. That annoying pest of a man stopped me... I didn't get to get all of the nutrients I needed.

I'm too weak to break out. I attempted to calm myself down, eyes flicking up to the man ahead of me who cautiously sat that the opposite end of the table.

"Where... the h-hell... am I...?" I questioned.

I could barely even get my words out. If I went even a little longer without food, I'd fully lose control and go feral.

It's taking me way too much energy to just barely keep myself under control like I am now...

"You are in the Musutafu Police Station, within one of our interrogation rooms," the man in front of my explained.

"Police station...? I can't be here! I can't be here!" I thought to myself.

I continued to use all of my remaining weakened strength to attempt to break out of the handcuffs, only being able to create a small crack in the metal.

But now I had no more energy or strength to do anything more than that.

If I wasn't tired before, I definitely was now.

"There's no use in attempting to break out, those handcuffs are made from a very special alloy," the man said.

"I am Detective Tsukaiuchi. And I have a couple of questions for you," the now named Tsukaiuchi said.

But in all honesty I was paying full attention... I was more concerned with maintaining my self-control.

"Once I'm given the chance, I'll kill the detective, and feast on his dead body," I thought to myself.

"What is your name?" Tsukaiuchi questioned.

I grunted in response, refocusing my attention on the handcuffs.


I didn't respond. I couldn't respond without losing my nearly non-existent control.


I yanked on the handcuffs, full ignoring all of the detective's questions.

"What are your motives?"

I attempted to leap at the man, but the overly durable handcuffs kept me in place, not allowing me to get up even an inch off of my chair.

I bared my fangs at the man, mouth beginning to salivate uncontrollably. In just a few moments I'd probably completely lose control.

The man only sighed and shook his head despondently, calling for others to enter the room and take me to a more secure location.

"We should probably take him to our second building not too far away from here... that one has more secure rooms that we can keep him in for the time being..." Tsukaiuchi said, likely to anyone listening from the other side of the one way glass.

"Take him out and put him into the back of one of our more secure police cars," Tsukaiuchi instructed.

"Need. Food."

The detective only looked at me in a disgusted manner as a few other officers made their way into the room.

"Yeah... get closer to me.... see what happens..." I thought to myself, watching as they made their way to me, restraining me with another set of handcuffs and then taking off the first pair that was connected to the chair and the table.

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