Adrth Side story #1:Our Souls And Bodies

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"Ohe how are you feeling?"

'"I am okay'' I lied. I was hoping she would never find out but I was dying due to Kortina. I was told I would die in a year. Kortina was a deadly rare disease caused by a reaction to the air in Ardth.

six months through with the love of my life. It was a beautiful moment. It was the best moment of my life. We kissed, we fucked, we danced, and we made truly beautiful art with our souls and bodies.

I knew I had to tell them. The question was how. I wrote this long speech and I never said it. All I said was "I love you Mora more than anything in Ardth or in any place. I have something to tell you... I... The next six months will be my last.."

"Where are you going Ohe? To another planet if so take me with you. Please Ohe, take me with you!"

"Mora! I'm dying!"

"What Ohe this can't be true!'

"It is.. I've never lied to you, my love..."

"Ohe please Ohe. Lord Oraina please save Ohe!"

"I am already saved, I am with you... I love you, Mora."

"I love you too Ohe!"

"Can we do it again Mora?"

"Do what Ohe?"

"Immerge our bodies with each other's body?...'

"You mean sex?"


We had a beautiful last six months. Then... The storm hit and Ohe passed away in their sleep.

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