chapter 13- The blossom

Start from the beginning

Concubine Jia-li have to walk over her dead body to wear that hair-stick. Her master can be a good human and never be the scum consort people accuse him of but she is not a good human.

"Invitation ?"

Meimei looks up. She didn't notice that she has already arrived the grand hall where the ceremony is held. Meimei looks at the guards open palm . She hurriedly gives her scroll to the guard.

"This is for noble consort Bai Yuzu."

"N.consort Yuzu is sick. he will attend the night party. he has sent me to pay his respect to Empress Dowager."

"Empress dowager and Emperor has left the ceremony."

Meimei frowns "they left already ?"

"They left after gifting concubine Jia-li, her gift. You are late. Go back."

Meimei bites her lips in worry. She needs to enter the hall. How will she break the hair-stick, if she doesn't ...
Wait.. she has an idea.

"I am here to give a gift too. It's from noble consort Yuzu to concubine Jia-li." Meimei raises her head to show her fake confidence.

"What gift ?"

"It's none of your business. Will you let me in or should I inform my master that you are still doubting my master for ..."

"Go in." The guard cuts Meimei's words.

Meimei grins before walking into the hall.


"What's the news ?" Zixuan asks the shadow guard who was waiting for him in the study.

"N.consort Yuzu hasn't left his room. Minister Xingchen left for his duty as ususal. He didn't go towards n.consort's Yuzu's chamber."

Zixuan nods with a knowing smirk. "Anything else ?"

"N.consort Yuzu's maid went to concubine Jia-li's ceremony. She told the guards that she brought concubine Jia-li's gift on consort Yuzu's behalf. But....."

Zixuan raises his one eyebrow "but ?"

"But she just created a mess in the ceremony."

"What mess ?"Zixuan looks at the guard interested.

"She... Suddenly shouted that there was a cockroach on concubine Jia-li's hair. And. Concubine Jia-li panicked. she tore up her hair and some of her hair in fear."

Zixuan smirks "and ? Was the cockroach found ?"


"A little laugh escapes from Zixuan's lips "And what was my consort Yuzu's gift for concubine Jia-li?"

"The maid left crying without giving any gift. She was scared concubine Jia-li will punish her."

Zixuan nods."You may go. No need to follow consort Yuzu anymore."

The guard bows before leaving.

Zixuan pulls out the hair strand of Consort Yuzu from his inner robe. He rolls the hair on his finger "What a plan you made .. wow. Cunning, aren't you ?"

Zixuan chuckles all alone in his study "Why I have a feeling that you will come yourself to do what your maid couldn't do ? Let's meet at the party then."

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