
Comenzar desde el principio

The two were quick to separate when Ego announced their team. In a almost in a cliche style The six walk through the metal gates like they were the Avengers. When stepping out, they were quick to make eye-contact with a certain dark olive haired Itoshi. They two stared each other down, the itoshi glaring at them while the Tendou was staring daggers. A imaginary strike of lightning struck between them as the Itoshi's teammates either chuckled or deadpanned at his behavior.

"Tendou..." the olive head muttered out.

"Itoshi." [Name] smiled at him but something about their smile was slightly unsettling, "it has been a while, hasn't it? how are you?" if you looked closely, the younger Itoshi's eyes softened but quickly hardened again.

"if you're just here for idle chatter, then you should leave. Your behavior is still as lukewarm as it was before." The male with long eyelashes insulted harshly, but to [Name] they knew he didn't mean it.

"you still use lukewarm as an insult? how mediocre" They playfully mocked him and only got silence as a reply. Taking that the conversation was over, their eyes scanned the groups around them, many they didn't recognize. One team caught their attention as it was the group with that sneaky white haired male with a green streak. Their team was overall a fun group to play against, those three had given them a challenge. A commotion was quick to catch their attention, their eyes switched from the group of five with the three players they had played against and turned to a blueberry head they've played against.

"Isagi..?"They thought to themself as they watched Isagi argue with their blond haired teammate about a certain orange pompom head, they then started to feel bad as they saw the striker's face contort to anger and sadness as an another redhead held him back. They were quick to move toward Shidou and try to defuse the situation before it got worse. [Name] harshly nudged Shidou in the stomach before pushing him to the side, they then looked at Isagi and gave him an apologetic smile before bowing.

"I'm sorry for his behavior, Shidou can be a bit.. silly.." they gave the two a crooked smile, "and sorry for your friend, it's my fault he isn't here. I got to choose who to steal and I took Reo instead of him and.." they trailed off as they felt a hand on their shoulder, they looked to the side to see Kurona with a reassuring smile. Meanwhile the two just stood there slightly bewildered before nodding in understanding.

"it's fine" Isagi started, "I get that it was between your friend or a complete stranger, and the obvious choice was your friend" The navy haired male smiled softly at the [Hair color] person, meanwhile the redhead next to him stared at them with a blank gaze. That gaze didn't hold any emotion, at least any emotion that they could see with just a glance. Suddenly the voice of Ego was quick to catch everyone's attention, a more serious expression was on his face rather than his regular stoic blank face.

"congratulation my unpolished gems, you've all qualified. Unfortunately there will be a change of plans in my program, the leaders of the football union want to shut down Blue Lock." He started, everyone stayed silent. As much as most hated the program and its hard training, they liked the people they've met and how this program helps them improve their game play as well as its opportunities.

"to avoid that, I decided to challenge them. There will be another selection in three weeks that will decided the future of the Blue Lock program. Japan's U-20 team will be going against us in a match" With the match announced, everyone felt a pressure placed on their shoulders.

"if you win, we will become the new U-20 team, you're all high schools and just strikers. Therefore the leader had accepted my challenge while laughing. If you lose, that will be Japan's disappointment. Perhaps I want to tell you something" Ego mimicked a gun with his fingers and pointed it to his head, "you're all capable of changing Japan's football now that you know everything, they have a certain player playing on their team though. Itoshi Sae" The olive haired male and [Name] perked up at the name as they gazed at a shirtless hologram of the mentioned male. The former glared at the hologram while the latter stared with a longing gaze before snapping out of their little day dream. Ego explained more on the situation while [Name] zoned out, their thoughts buried their mind as they thought about the older itoshi.

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