Chapter 1

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(13 Years Earlier)

"Mom!" A little girl said as she ran to her mother.
Her mother looked down at her. "What is it Vera?" She asked
"Look!" The little girl excitedly replied while pointing at a tree.
"What about the tree?" Her mother asked.
"No." Vera answered with a lot of emotion in her voice. "This is my friend. Her name is Blaire."
'Oh' Her mother thought. 'She has an imaginary friend.'

(Present Day)

A 16 year old girl sits at a table in the cafeteria of her school. The half of the table she is sitting at, no one else is there. Her long, brown hair is tied up in two neat buns with a bit of the hair hanging out. Her blue eyes sparkled as the light reflected off of them. She wore a green and blue hoodie over a white t shirt and a pair of jeans with the color faded from the fabric. She appeared to be spacing out until a boy who appeared to be the same age as her came over there.
"Don't sit there." She told him before he sat to the left of her. "Blaire's there."
The boy sat to the right of her instead. He had the same brown hair and sparkling blue eyes she did.
"When are you going to get over that Vera?" He asked, a slight tone of irritance in his voice. "You've been talking about and to this 'Blaire' person for as long as I can remember."
Vera started to get a bit irritated as well. "Emil, Blaire is a real person. She's right here. If you have something bad to say about her then you can keep it to yourself."
Emil was shocked by Vera suddenly getting angry with him. She didn't usually get mad and if she did, it would take a lot to make her angry. "Vera, I-"
"I don't want to hear it." Vera interrupted as she stood up and grabbed her bag and started to walk away. "Come on Blaire."
Another girl followed Vera. She had curly, blood red hair and black and red eyes. She wore her hair up with the curliest part of the ends out of her bun. She wore a grey jacket over a grey shirt and she had three piercings in each ear.
"I don't like him calling me fake." She said to Vera, her voice was soft and a little raspy.
"I know." Vera answered. "I'm sorry he keeps doing that."
The red head put her hands in her pockets. "Don't be. You have no control over what he does. The only way to make sure he doesn't do something like that again, is to kill him."
Vera stops and looks at her. "Why do you say such extreme things like that Blaire?"
"I mean it hypothetically of course." Blaire says in defense.

(Later that night)

Vera, Emil, and their mom were sitting at the table. Vera was drawing, Emil was playing on his phone, and their mom was waiting for one of them to say something to her.
"So." Their mom said after sitting in silence for a few minutes. "How was school kids?"
Vera and Emil looked at each other before either one of them spoke.
"Emil called Blaire fake again." Vera answered while glaring at Emil.
"Vera yelled at me for trying to get her to stop thinking her imaginary friend is real." Emil said, annoyed and glaring back at Vera.
"Blaire it not imaginary!" Vera stood up and yelled at Emil.
"Then why does she live with us?" He snapped at Vera.
"Because her parents died!"
"Why doesn't she go to foster care then?"
"Enough!" Their mom yelled. Both siblings looked at her. "Vera, don't be so quick to get mad at you brother. Emil, it doesn't matter if Blaire is real or not. Is she hurting anyone by being here?"
Emil stayed quiet for a minute. "No." He quietly and stubbornly said.
"Exactly." Their mother said. "Both of you, go to your rooms."
Both siblings listened and went to their rooms. As Vera entered hers, she slammed the door behind her and locked it.
"What's got you so irritated Vera?" Blaire asked, she was sitting on the floor in front of Vera's bed.
"Emil called you fake again." Vera answered as she sat in front of Blaire on the floor.
Blaire looked at her phone as it went off. "Oh, another one."
Vera was confused. "What do you mean by another one?" She asked.
"The police have been searching for a killer and a kidnapper." Blaire told her. "Seems like another three high schoolers were kidnapped and two bodies were found."
Vera's expression went from confusion to shock. "How long has this been going on?"
"Almost a year by now." Blaire put her phone away and looked up. "More then 500 people have been found dead and 100 of them went missing before their bodies were found. All of them were high schoolers between the ages of 15 and 17."
"That's horrible." Vera said.
"I know." Blaire and Vera were both quiet for a bit. "Well, nothing we can do about it. It's getting late, we should go to bed."
Blaire got up and opened the door. She turned to Vera before leaving. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight" Vera responded as Blaire closed the door and left.
Vera changed into her pajamas and laid down in her bed. She stared at the ceiling as she thought about the kids who were killed as she drifted off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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