CHAPTER 13 | Day 3 Part 7

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah. There's been multiple iterations of this game, this is the fourth time it's happened." BigB sighs, and then chuckles to himself. "That sounded incredibly dramatic."

"How many times, BigB?" Pink asks, panicked tremor obvious in his voice. "How many times have we been through this game and we don't remember? Why don't we remember?" The concept of that is horrifying to him. He doesn't want to believe it.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down! That's not what I meant! Well, no, it is, but- let me explain!" BigB reaches out, but Pink instinctively recoils.

"Explain what you actually meant. Please."

"This is the first time you and everyone else here have been in this game. But not me. I was in the other ones. Remember Grian? The guy I was talking to in the messages you snuck a look at?" BigB mildly teases.

"Yes." Pink doesn't react to BigB's joke, so he just continues.

"He was in the previous games. Lots of my friends were in the previous games, but all of us were Minecraftians. And they weren't the same as this one. All the previous games had different rules and factors...I feel like this one is just a combination of the lot."

"Oh. Don't scare me like that."

"No, no, don't worry. I don't know why we appeared here so suddenly, normally there's a bit of warning...." BigB sighs. "Well, that's why I seem to know everything."

"Can you..." Pink pauses. "...tell me about those previous games? If you want."

BigB takes a second to think about it. While it's not nice to relive the worst parts...he guesses it could be useful. And there were some really nice moments he can take the chance to remember. Just don't think about it in too much detail and he'll be fine.

"Alright. So, the first game was called 3rd Life. It was...the simplest of the games, we just had three lives, and that was it. No gimmicks. Somehow, though, it was...the most chaotic, I think. I thought it was just a game...but suddenly, there was a whole war."

"A war?"

"Well, two of my friends - Grian and Scar, they were the Red Desert. Ren Diggity Dog and Martyn - they were Dogwarts. There was a whole battle between them, and the rest of us were caught in between it." BigB sighs. "I had tried to stay to myself, I didn't even realise there was that much conflict, but...that didn't last forever. I had to join Dogwarts, in the end."


"Should we take him to...what was it, Black Heart Altar?" Martyn, asking his king for advice.

"We shall take him to the Black Heart Altar." Ren spoke in a different, deeper voice, as if the game had moulded him into someone completely new - and it had, for he was now the Red King, a ruthless killer.

After that, Martyn came out of their base and dragged BigB elsewhere.

"Follow us, BigBStatz!" he said, with a new air of formality.

"I don't know if I like where this is going." BigB admitted, mainly to himself. Martyn reassured him, and he was shuffled along anyway.

"We'd like to have a chat with you on Black Heart Altar." Ren mentioned from behind, before stepping in front of him on top of a stone brick monument and bowing slightly.


BigB wanted to seem carefree, but he couldn't help but feel dread gnawing at him as Martyn referred to Ren as 'my liege' and they beckoned him closer.

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