My Special Moments With You Part 2 of 3❤❤❤

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  • Dedicated to Neil Fernandez

The first time I saw you my heart skip a beat and my world stops for awhile..  Everytime I look at your pictures made me smile for beautiful reasons like all the time! And when I start a conversation with you I just hope the time will stop. You are the sweetest and I must the luckiest girl alive is me and I hope you will stay the same.

I'm so happy everytime I saw our picture together. God really listens because He knew that my prayers we're answered slowly yet surely.

My favorite conversation between us is when we saying Goodnight to each other and I had a goofy smile on my face before going to sleep.

You bring out the best in me and that's for sure. ;)

Many words to say yet I know it will worth the wait!!!

Till Here.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2013 ⏰

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My Special Moments With You Part 2 of 3❤❤❤Where stories live. Discover now