I told them what happened and they were a bit confused. I started crying even more. I got on my computer and bought a ticket to go to Japan. I need time away from LA to figure all this out.

Edwin: the only thing running in my head is why you're mad about it?
Brandon: because all this time I fell deeply in love with her but to her everything was fake just to get money
Nick: before she left she told Edwin and I that everything you guys have or had now was real
*he scoffed*
Austin: look Y/N and I would talk whenever we have a chance and she would only talk about you most of the time, she loves you the way you love her
Brandon: if she loved me the way I love her, she would've told me about it since the beginning
Zion: oh just like you could've told her about them burning her dance studio
Boys: what?!
Zion: and you already knew about it
Boys: what?!
*Brandon slams his hands on his desktop*
Brandon: I didn't know she accepted the offer!
Austin: now you can't be mad at her she should be mad at you for keeping that from her!
Brandon: it hurts me to know the love she had towards me was fake
*he gets up to get his suitcase*
Edwin: now where are you going?
*he starts packing*
Brandon: going away to process everything
Austin: no you're not...
*Austin pulls him back*
Austin: until you tell her what you know because if you don't I will
Boys: we will
*Brandon turns around & yells at them*
*he continues to pack*
Brandon: she'll find out on her own
Edwin: do what you want imma go check up on her
Nick: I'll go too
Austin: same
Zion: I'll meet you guys later Imma drop this fucker at the airport

Edwin's POV:

We left the house and we got in my car. We were all pissed at Brandon. The one that should be more pissed should be Y/N. Brandon is our brother but Y/N deserves to know what Brandon knows. Since he's going out of the country, imma tell her.

Nick: imma tell her too
*he looks at him confused*
Nick: you were talking your thoughts out loud again
Austin: yeah Brandon has no right to be mad at Y/N
Edwin: he had all this time to tell her and he didn't tell her
*they sighed*
Nick: let's take her flowers and food?
Austin: we need to make her feel good
Edwin: what should we get her?
All: Canes!

Your POV:

I went straight to Nezza's house but she wasn't here so I let myself in and went to her cabinet of tequila. I turned on her tv and played some music, sad music to be specific, and started to take shots. I took 3 shots and one is still in my hand waiting for it to be going down my throat.

An hour later.

I've been calling Nezza but she doesn't answer. I didn't want to bother Angiee since she has a photo shoot for the Why Don't We boys. I was already in my 7th shot and tears on my cheek. I got up to go to my spare room in her place to change into shorts. I was about to go to Nezza's room to change into her oversized sweater but someone knocked on her door.

*you opened the door to see the three guys*
Y/N: what are you guys doing here?
Edwin: Brandon told us everything
Austin: so we went to your place but you weren't there so
Nick: Edwin called your sister and said to check here and then the studio
Y/N: thank you guys but I want to be alone right now
*you tried to close the door but they barged in*
Austin: it's never a good idea to leave someone alone when they're not in a good place
Nick: and also we got you Canes, snacks, tissues and flowers
*he hands you the flowers*
Y/N: thank you guys but you guys should be with Brandon not me
Austin: yeah well we're not in the mood to fly out to Japan right now
Y/N: he left instead of coming to talk to me
*they all look at each other*
Y/N: okay
*you all sat down at the table*
Y/N: spill it
*you crossed your arms as Edwin places your food in front of you*
Nick: well...
*someone knocks on the door*
Edwin: I'll get it
*he opens the door & Zion walks in*
Zion: you guys talked?
Austin: we're about to tell her
Zion: good
Y/N: okay what's going on? someone please spill it
*they all look at each other*
Edwin: uhm...
Austin: so...
Zion: we...
Nick: I need a drink first
*you sighed & went to get them a drink*
Zion: who's gonna say it?
Nick: you know more so you spill
*Zion sighs*
Zion: okay
*he sits next to you*
Zion: the day our representatives offered the whole fake thing and you denied we had a meeting the next day
*you leaned back*
Zion: Brandon as you know is always the first to go he overheard the conversation with the representative about wanted to burn your dance studio
*you stand up*
Zion: Brandon walked in and begged them not to do it
*you turned around mad*
Y/N: clearly it didn't fucking work!
Zion: he tried is best to make them stop he even threaten them to leave the band
*you poured yourself another shot*
Y/N: he has no right to be mad at me I should be the one mad at him
Nick: and we agree you should be mad at him
Edwin: Brandon kept that from you if he told you you wouldn't have accepted to do the Fake Love show
*he walks closer to you & hugs you*
Y/N: I hated myself for so long because I kept this from Brandon and for him to keep that from me
*you cried*
Y/N: what I didn't didn't effect his career but that did that was everything Angiee and I worked our asses for we didn't get help from no one
*all the boys hugged you*
Austin: you don't deserve any of this we'll talk to Brandon
Nick: we truly believe you guys are meant to be and even with the circumstances I know you guys are gonna get together just talk it out with him please
Y/N: I'm not gonna talk to him I don't want nothing to do with him anymore I don't want any connection with him either
*you walked over to the couch*
Edwin: you want us to go?
*you sighed as they walk over to you*
Y/N: I really appreciate you guys for everything for coming to check up on me but I need to be alone right now
*you look at them*
Austin: are you sure you'll be okay by yourself?
Y/N: I'm sure Nezza would be here soon
*you gave them a weak smile*
Nick: call us if you need anything
Y/N: I will

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