Alcina x Reader

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I have not yet had the opportunity to play Resident Evil, so if something I write is not cohesive with the plot of the game, that is why; please don't shit on me I am simply terrible at video games. That being said, I HAVE watched most if not all of Lady D's scenes, and I am absolutely infatuated by her and absolutely had to write a comfort fic for her character.

I don't believe there is anything major to give a trigger warning for, reader is running a fever and passes out but that's all. Also, there is next to no dialogue. With all that out of the way, let's begin.

If there was one thing Alcina Dimitrescu remained completely unaffected by, it was the the occasional bangs and thumps that echoed through her castle walls. Her daughters were notoriously unruly, the castle was old and creaked with the wind, and the constant comings and goings of her maids as well as her daughters' prey caused more than their fair share of commotion. Alcina, frankly, did not care. She preferred to wander the floors of her castle and revel in the sudden bouts of silence that occurred as she passed by, only for the noises to start up again once the perpetrator assumed she was out of earshot. Power, Alcina had long ago decided, was more important to her than the tiresome effort it would require to ensure that her castle remained noiseless. That being said, there was one area of the castle that she often visited when she craved peace: the library. All of the maids in the castle, as well as Alcina's three daughters, were well aware that when Lady Dimitrescu visited the library, she was not to be disturbed by pointless noise unless absolutely necessary. Maids worked in the room while Alcina was inhabiting the room, yes, but with such ease and practiced efficiency that if it weren't for Lady Dimitrescu's elevated hearing, she would fail to notice their existence at all. It was on one such peace-seeking occasion, in fact, when Alcina Dimitrescu encountered the maid who would disrupt her well-practiced daily life with a series of crashes and bangs.

Sometimes, you really did curse yourself for your ever-consistent work ethic. You had woken up this morning with a throb in your chest, a splitting headache, and a high enough fever that your entire body was brushed with a film of sweat, that paired disgustingly with your incessant shivering. Despite your Lady's strict rules, you knew that your symptoms more than warranted a day off: Lady Dimitrescu was insistent that her maids remain in good health whilst working around the castle (lest she lose her well-trained maids to the common cold, and therefore pick up the tiresome search for more workers)  and although she was strict, calculated, and altogether terrifying, she was not entirely unreasonable. Even her eldest daughter, Bela, had blanched at your appearance when she passed by you in the hall, and offered to tell her mother you needed the day to rest. You had, rather stubbornly, waved her off, assuring her that you were "completely fine," and only needed a cup of coffee in order to shake off the slight chill. 

That had been over two hours ago, and with each passing minute your regret for declining her offer continued to grow. You knew, realistically, you could simply knock on your Lady's office door, explain your predicament, and sleep in your quarters for the rest of the day. But you were nothing if not persistent, and you absolutely refused  to bother her unless the castle was on the verge of implosion. Resigning yourself to a day of feverish misery, you decided to busy yourself in the one room on the castle that was consistently silent, the library, as to not further aggravate your throbbing headache. You made your way to the chamber silently, skirting around other maids as quickly as possible to hide your condition. 

When you pushed open the heavy oak door of the library, you are unsurprised yet slightly anxious to see Lady Dimitrescu seated by the crackling fireplace, perched daintily in the large chair built specially for her frame. She is holding a book in one hand, dwarfed by her fingers as she flips the pages with her thumb. Silently, as not to disturb her, you make your way to the back of the library, grabbing a trolly of books to be shelved along your way. This is one of your favourite tasks; as you find the repetition comforting, but as you begin, you realize that you have failed to take into consideration the fact that to reach the higher shelves you are required to climb up and down a ladder. You have had no issues with this previously, but now, with your thrumming heart and fevered state, you find yourself blinking back small spots in your vision, darkness creeping in from the edges. The last thing you realize before everything fades away is that in your haze, you have remained on the highest rung of the ladder, and that you are almost certainly going to fall. 

When you had entered the library, Alcina had barely noticed. So enthralled she was by her book, that the fluttering rhythm of your heart was nothing but a soft background noise for her to disregard. However, to her bewilderment, Alcina found her focus gradually drifting from the words on the page, and her hearing honing in to your irregular breathing. You were one of her younger maids, and secretly, one of her favourites. You were quiet and respectful, yet you treated Alcina as well as her daughters as people, rather than the monsters other maids seemed to have deduced them to. You were excellent at your work, and, when you had thought she wasn't watching, Alcina had observed you taking note of the books that she herself had been reading, and taking them back to your chambers once she had finished. She could only assume that you had been reading them as well, and this small detail brought a soft aching to Alcina's heart. When she heard your heart rate increase to accompany your ragged breathing, Alcina found herself on her feet. She was almost shocked at her body's reaction to your distress, and was even more surprised when she was across the library in an instant, almost without her permission. Yet, when she spots you swaying at the topmost rung of the tall wooden ladder, she does not hesitate to appear next to you in three quick strides, and gather your small frame into her arms as you fall unconscious.

As she walks back to her personal chambers, your body still cradled against her chest, Alcina is aware of other maids peering around corners at her in alarm, and her daughters' questioning gazes as she passes by them with no more than a short nod. She hears Bela open her mouth, about to question her mother, but before she gets the chance, Alcina is through the tall door of her bedroom, and it is locked behind her. Immediately, she makes her way to the bathroom, turning the water to a lukewarm temperature before turning her eyes to you. You look so fragile like this, and if it weren't for her concern for your health, Alcina would have been chuckling about human's delicacy. You couldn't have been more than twenty, Alcina decides, and she wonders why you foolishly insisted on working when you were in such a state. Ponderings aside, Alcina turns off the water, your body still pressed against her, and returns to her bed. As she lays you against her pillow, you begin to rouse, eyelashes fluttering slightly, a small groan pushing past your lips. Alcina hums to you softly, and you seem to resign yourself to whatever she is attempting, relaxing back against the bed. The tall woman undresses you quickly and efficiently, and in your state you are vaguely aware of the brush of embarrassment that flushes through you, but it is extinguished almost immediately as she scoops you up once again, her arms providing a comfort you would not have thought possible. As she lowers you into the bathtub, the less than ideal water temperature forces a whine from you, and you begin to move slightly in protest. Alcina coos at you softly, and strokes her hair with one of her large hands as she washes the sweat from your body with a soft washcloth. Her murmurings are steady and comforting, and you gradually relax into her touch, allowing her to move your body as she deems necessary. When she is done, her arms pull you out of the bath as if you weigh nothing more than a feather, and she wraps you in a towel that is so soft you can't help but smile in bliss. 

The next thing you know, Alcina has dressed you in luxurious pyjamas that you can only assume are hers, as the shirt hangs down to your knees, and you are being tucked into a bed that is so large you feel as if you are floating in a small ocean. You are surrounded by the smell of your Lady; her perfume permeates the air and her very presence is made obvious in every fibre of the room. But you do not feel fear: no, you feel comfort, safety, even love, as you glimpse her walking around to the other side of the bed. Almost without your awareness, you find yourself reaching out to her, and a velvety chuckle sounds throughout the room as you feel the mattress dip from her body weight. When she slides underneath the covers next to you, you shamelessly wiggle closer to her, until she finally reaches out to you and pulls you against her, with a slight rumble in her chest. You nestle into her warmth, your face buried in her neck, breathing her in. The last thing you are aware of before you drift into slumber is her soft lips pressing to your brow, and your Lady's voice, quietly saying "goodnight, draga mea."  

Thank you for reading! I may or may not upload a part two:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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