Chapter 2

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The moment I sat down the lesson began and
people wouldn't stop glancing at me , this was gonna be a long school year .


No one's pov:

The word that there was a new student spread like wildfire and by the end of the day everyone was curious because usually they get transfers at the beginning of the school year not the other way around ( a/n : hinata transferred at the fourth quarter of the school year . Another a/n I just basically use my school's system ).

A few weeks after hinata transferred rumors that she was rich and a Daddy's girl because she has a driver to take and pick her up from school every day , always have and yachi's lunch ordered, and kinda true she loves her parents and brother love her like their little sunshine .

Location : cafeteria
Time : 12: 00
Date : 15/4/****

No one's pov:

A group of guys was eating lunch while glancing at Hinata and yachi . They weren't the only one who is glancing at the best friends everyone was glancing because another order was delivered to Hinata . Having daily delivery was kind of a normal thing now because it's been a few weeks since she transferred and gets delivery but the other students still haven't gotten used to it.

" I'm so jealous " said Sakishima Isumi  while looking at yachi and hinata " who are you jealous of " asked Akama Sounds " he's jealous because the new kid got another lunch ordered online " said Kuguri Noayasu while pointing at Hinata who's paying for her order.

The group of guys consisting of Daishou Suguru , takachiho yoshiya , Numai Kazuma , Hiroo Kouji , Sakishima Isumi, Akama Sou , and Kuguri Noayasu is now looking at Hinata and yachi who's now eating.

But one of them is having a flashback to when he was still little

~ Le flashback ~

Two kid are seen playing video games in a luxurious living room one boy with raven hair and one girl with long smooth silky orange hair  " hahahaha I win sho-chan " the boy grinning " no fair I want a rematch " the girl said while rolling on the floor whining about a rematch.

"Shori stop rolling on the floor " the girls mom scolded the girl "but mom I want a rematch " the girl said still rolling on the floor whining " Shori Hinata " the girls mommy said irritated with how her daughter is acting " uh-oh full name" the boy said and the girl now standing and facing her mother " sorry Mommy " the girl who is now identified as Shori Akashi said hugging her mom so she don't get in trouble , while the mother just " *sign* sorry about her hiroo-kun " the girls mother said.

" It's ok aunty " the boy who is identified as Hiroo Kouji  "oh, right hiroo-kun your mom is here to pick you up " the girls mother said  " oh then bye sho-chan , aunty" Hiroo said as he was leaving that was the last time he saw her

The next day he heard that they left and went to New York where her brother and father is.

~ Le flashback ends ~

Once he realized that he was staring a the duo , he quickly looked away but what he didn't realize is that someone saw him staring " Daishou-san I have a dare for you " takachiho said wiggling his eyebrows and getting everyone's attention " hmm I'm listening " Daishou said interested

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