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"Who are you?" Will asks the mysterious caller.

"Wilbur, you can play dumb all you want," says the stranger.

"Fuck off!" yells Will in fear. "I don't know you and whatever game you're playing it's not funny."

"Something's off about you today, Wilbur," the voice says. "We'll, there's always been something off about you. You got a fish pregnant and had a fox for a child, if there's not something off about that I don't know what's off. But I mean, you seem...scared."

"No," Will mumbles. He was scared paranoid, looking around his room and out of his window trying to spot the person he was talking with.

"Since when is the mighty and so called best president Wilbur Soot a little scared of some nice competition,"

"Who the fuck are you?" yells Will. Giving up on his hunt with a roll of his eyes.

"Of course you haven't forgotten about me," Quackity smiles on the other side of the line. "For god's sake we've been through so much together."
"I don't know you?" Wilbur kept looking back at the phone to get clues of a location or a phone number, but there was nothing. It was an unknown caller.

"You're not my Wilbur," realization hits Quackity like a bullet.

"Your Wilbur?" Wilbur asks. "What the fuck do you mean your Wilbur. I'm the only Wilbur."

"I mean you have his...well...everything," Quackity mumbles more to himself. "But there's something about you. You're not him. You don't even sound attractive at all."

"Attractive?" Asks Wilbur. "What the fuck? For the last time. I don't know you."

"You know me," he assures Wilbur. "Well...Wilbur knows me, but you will know me soon too. Well, let me properly introduce myself. I'm Alex."

"Wilbur," he says firmly. He looks down at himself. "So what do you want?"

"Just calling to cause a bit of trouble with you," Quackity smirks over the phone. "Well, the better you."

"What's so cool about me there that's any different here?"

"You're..." Quackity starts. "Not you."

There was a click and the line went dead.

What the hell did Wilbur just experience?

{Created: August 6, 2022, at 6:38 pm}

[Published: July 10, 2023, at 8:20 pm]

Word Count: 374 words

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