2. Mҽɳƚαʅʅყ Rҽɠɾҽʂʂҽԃ

181 1 0

Friendship: HyunSung
Context: During interviews and large crowd setttings, Jisung tends to get really anxious.. As a result, he tends to mentally regress to cope with it..

During yet another interview, Jisung almost had an anxiety attack. He was silent the ride back, and didn't really want to talk to anyone.
When they got home, he locked himself in his room.

When anyone tried to check on him, Jisung wouldn't even answer the door or respond to them. They weren't sure what was wrong with him.

Around 5:45, everyone else was downstairs playing Uno, but Hyunjin was just listening to music in his room while playing a game on his phone.

Still, he was curious about Jisung and went to his room to see if he would finally open up. However, when he reached Jisung's room, the door was cracked open.

He peeked in and saw Jisung watching something on his laptop and he had his headphones on. When he noticed Hyunjin in the doorway, he gave him a hand signal to come in.

Hyunjin went inside and closed the door back a little. Jisung took his headphones off.

"Are you feeling alright now? You seemed really off earlier.." Hyunjin asked.

"I fine! Just got.." Jisung said, feeling the gears in his brain stop for a moment.

"Anxious?" Hyunjin answered.

"Yeah, that's the word!" Jisung said.

Hyunjin noticed that the way he was speaking was in a more child like manner.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting like a child." Hyunjin asked, confused at Han's behavior.

Jisung put his hand up and slowly moved it down with a low whistle noise.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin asked, unsure at what Jisung was trying to tell him.

"Regressed, dummy." Jisung answered, some base added into his voice.

Regressed..? Hyunjin thought.

"As in your mental age at the moment isn't an adult state of mind?" Hyunjin asked.

"Well what else would it mean?" Jisung shouted, folding his arms.

"Quit pouting. I'm just trying to figure this whole thing out." Hyunjin demanded.

Jisung unfolded his arms, still making a somewhat pouty face.

"Hannie.." Hyunjin went, leaning closer to him.

Jisung fixed his expression a little so that he was no longer pouting.

Oh, so that's how it works...I think? Hyunjin thought, leaning away from Jisung.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm just trying to understand to understand how this regressive state functions with you.." Hyunjin apologized.

"It fine! What do you wanna do?" Jisung replied. His expression suddenly becoming happier.

"Well what were you doing before I walked in?" Hyunjin asked.

Jisung held up his laptop, showing Hyunjin he was just watching some cartoons. (Imagine it as any kid friendly cartoon you like)

"You want me to get some snacks?" We can watch it on the TV in my room." Hyunjin offered.

Jisung's eyes lit up.
"Yes! Yes!" He answered.

"Alright. Get whatever you need and just wait in my room. What snacks do you want?" Hyunjin said.

"Mm.. I don't really care.. Just nothing spicy!" Jisung replied.

"Alright. No spice. Got it." Hyunjin said, leaving Jisung's room.

A few minutes later, Hyunjin didn't see Jisung in his room, so he set the snacks aside and went to go look for him. Turns out Jisung never left his room.

"What are you waiting in here for?" Hyunjin asked.

"Carry me." Jisung demanded.

Hyunjin gave him a, Excuse you? look.

"You heard what I said. Carry me." Jisung repeated.

"Stop acting like a little brat." Hyunjin said sternly.

"Hmph!" Jisung pouted.

"Stop the pouting. It's not getting you anywhere." Hyunjin demanded.

Jisung didn't listen.

"You have 2 options. You can walk to my room, or you can ask me nicely to carry you." Hyunjin said, holding up 2 fingers.

Jisung wouldn't budge.

"Guess I'll just leave you in here." Hyunjin said, walking out of the room.

"No..!" Jisung whined.

"You ready to ask nicely, or are you gonna follow me?" Hyunjin asked, walking back into the doorway.

Jisung gave an exaggerated sigh.
"Can you carry me please..?" He asked.

"Of course I can! It wasn't that hard to ask me, now was it?" Hyunjin replied.

Jisung made a little pout, but stopped pouting when Hyunjin picked him up and carried him to his room.
Hyunjin set him down on his bed.

He had a sort of big bag with him filled with stuff he wanted with him so he didn't have to carry it in his arms.

"What's in the bag?" Hyunjin asked, sitting down next to Jisung.

Jisung opened it and the bag had a couple of things. A pacifier and sensory toys like pop its, fidget cubes, and those squishy balls you squeeze. He also had a small chewing toy in the shape of a cupcake.

There was also some small stuffed animals, a deck of Go Fish cards, the Candyland board game, and a small sippy cup bottle.

"Okay question. How old do you feel right now?" Hyunjin asked.

Jisung paused for a moment before holding up 2 fingers on one hand, and 3 fingers on the other.

"You feel 5?" Hyunjin asked.

Jisung shook his head no.

Hyunjin let the gears in his head turn for a moment before realizing what he meant.

"Ohh, you feel somewhere between 2 and 3?" Hyunjin asked.

Jisung nodded with a smile.

"So that's why you have a pacifier. Got it." Hyunjin said, booping Jisung on the nose, getting a small giggle in response.

The two of them got comfy and began watching TV while eating snacks. Jisung was cuddled up to Hyunjin while playing with one of his little toys.

At around 6:30, Jisung said he wanted to play Candyland next since he was getting a little bored. Hyunjin said that sounded fun and turned on the light so they could see a little better.

They played a few rounds and tallied up who won each round. Hyunjin won 3 rounds, Jisung won 4 rounds.

"Haha! I won more!" Jisung teased.

"You won by luck you little minx." Hyunjin replied with a cheeky smile.

"Go go fishy!" Jisung exclaimed.

"Alright. Time for a few games of Go Fish." Hyunjin said, beginning to clean up the board game.

The two got so lost in the game that someone had to come see what all the noise and laughter was. Chan was the one who made the initial move to do so.

He peaked into Hyunjin's room to see him and Jisung just laughing and playing Go Fish with each other.

Compared to the beef they had in their predebut days, this is definitely a shocker to see in real time. They've always had that annoying sibling relationship with each other, but to just see them having fun together brung a smile to his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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