Chapter 29: Visitors

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"I told you to stay in the forest. These are my pack members. Mine!"

They all flinch at your voice. You looked at the little white one and bent down and looked her in the eyes.

"Alright little one, what's your name?"

"Lumi" she whispered

You humm at the name and face the others, a cold expression on your face.

"You are to ask Lumi if you can attack certain prey in the area."

The lycans just whimper and nod, unable to argue with their leader.

"Lumi makes sure the rest of them don't get into any trouble. You'll be my right hand alright?"

Her icy blue eyes light up as she nodded, you give her a smile and a pat on the head before sending her back home. She growled at the rest of them to leave and they all followed, unable to argue with their superior. You feel a small tug on your pants and look down to see little Rose, you scoop her up and hug her in your arms. You look at Mia and Ethan and give them a toothy grin, Ethan just gives a sigh and smiles back at you, Mia comes up to you.

"Bend down." was all she said

You set Rose down and she ran to her father. You bent down, placing your hands on your knees to keep yourself steady. Mia looked into your eyes as she patted your head, you immediately relaxed at her touch, not realizing you were so tense. She smiled up at you and you smiled back.

"It's good to see you again." she giggled out


You turn to Ethan, who is now holding Rose, watching the interaction with a smile on his face. You give him a toothy grin.

"Good to see you dipshit."

"Likewise douchebag."

Mia gave you a light slap on your head and Ethan gave a laugh before going quiet at Mia's gaze, you tried your hardest not to laugh as you stood up and let them. You quickly let them to the castle gates and open the doors letting them into your home. While walking to the main hall you hear the familiar buzzing and clicking of heels, you stop, making Mia and Ethan do the same, you give them a smile, your features back to normal. Your love walks in along with your daughters, they buzz around you, laughing madly before transforming into themselves. You sniff the air and frown glaring at the three sisters, they give a nervous laugh when they see your face.

"Children. Did you bathe like I had asked you to?"

They suddenly disperse into their flies.

"Take a bath, all of you!" you playfully yell, "No hunting until you do!"

You hear a far away groan and smile before walking up to your love and giving her a giant hug, she hugged you back. Her eyes turned cold when she saw Ethan and he shuffled nervously, making sure not to look Alcina in the eyes, as your suggestion.

" promised." you muttered

Alcina looks at you, her golden eyes softening before she sighed.

"You're lucky my wife likes you Ethan Winters, or else I would have killed you already."

You give your love a look.

"Wife?!" Mia exclames and you give a small laugh, showing her the ring on your finger, Alcina flashing an identical one

"You're married and we didn't get an invitation."

"No Mia, not yet, but we are engaged." you stutter out

Mia gave a knowing smirk

"I assume you want more kids?" she snickered

Your Lady somehow got embarrassed by this and her beautiful pale face turned a lovely shade of bright pink.

"N-no." she snapped out

You looked at your love with a sparkle in your eyes.

"Well actually..." you whispered

Your love looked at you shocked before she quickly called a maiden over to escort the Winters to their room. You give them a wave, promising them that you'll talk later before going into your shared room. Alcina sits down in her chair and places you on her lap, for the first time in forever, you felt nervous on her lap.

"You want more?" Alcina asked quietly as to not scare you

She wasn't angry, you couldn't smell that, only fear, but what was she scared of?

"Only one or two more."

She looked at you longingly before turning her head away.

"Alci I can smell your fear love. Why are you afraid?"

She looked at you, her beautiful golden eyes meeting your emerald green ones. She gives a shaky sigh before answering.

"First off, I have no idea how the girls would react with a baby in the house. Second, this village is dangerous, they could be killed. And third, how would we even get pregnant dear, we're both women."

She had a point, especially for her first two reasons.

"Well we can propose the idea to the girls to see how they react. I'm also the leader of all the lycans so they would be in constant supervision and protection if any children decide to leave the castle. And for the third reason, we can try sperm donations?"

You lady growled at the mention of a sperm donation. Her hatred for men seeped into your nose, mixing with the smell of her. You give a sigh and face her, wrapping your arms around her neck, you give her a kiss, she was taken aback by the kiss but soon leaned into it, wrapping her arms around you. You separate and lay your head on her chest, playing with one of her raven black curls, she strokes your back and plays with your frizzy hair. You listen to her calming heartbeat and before you completely drift off to sleep you hear your love's soft voice.

"I would like kids as well, draga mea." you heard her whisper

You smile and scoot closer to her before letting out a satisfied sigh and drifting off to sleep.

(Word Count 1698)

Where The Rose BlossomsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora