"Get the fuck out my apartment"

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     He looked down at me and said "Hey mate, not that nice to greet guests in your underwear". I was freaking the actual fuck out. I knew I could rip out of the web, but I tried to gleek some venom at him except he dodged and it started to singe the carpet in my hallway. "How the fuck ya do that?" He was British. I was not gonna get my ass kicked by a Brit. I ripped out of the web and shot him down with web like he did to me.

       He just... laid there? Didn't even try to fight back. It was confusing. I was scared, and the edible was wearing off. I picked him up and sat him down on my couch, without a single protest from him. That made me even angrier. Who the actual fuck breaks into someone's house and just sits around? "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm spiderman mate" he responded, "No I'm Spider-girl, now who the fuck are you, where did you come from, how did you get here, how did you do that, and what do you want?" I was too pissed to deal with some randos bullshit right now. "Well that's a lot of questions now innit? If I explain you prolly won't believe me anyways." "I don't care. Answer me."

        "Wait. So your saying your in a fucking multidimensional spider person from a different universe who's part of a spider troup to save the different dimensions, and you came here to spy on me because the goofy ass leader didn't think I was good enough to join? Also your name is Hobie?" Wow. That was a mouthful. I was literally shocked and honestly I think hes lying. All of my focus was on the current situation until my phone rang. Fuck. It was my mom. She called me every other day, and if I didn't answer the police would probably be here for a welfare check in 10 minutes. I don't think anyone in the room right now wants the police here. "Don't fucking move." I yelled at the... uhhh... unexpected guest in the living room, before running to the kitchen to answer the phone.

Hobie POV-

      I don't understand why Miguel didn't want her in the society. I mean, she seemed strong. Maybe it's because she went to call her mum in the middle of a fight. I know she told me to stay here, but I don't follow rules. I ripped off the web and started walking towards where I heard her chatting. She looked frantic- pacing around while happily chatting with her mum. Until she saw me. Tried to wave but she just kept staring me down. Whatever. I went over to the cabinet and started looking for some snacks, still feeling her stare me down. "Can I have a biscuit?" I didn't mean anything by it, but she got real pissed and started freaking out. "No mom it's ok, that was just the TV, your fine- fuck." She put down the telly and grabbed me by one of the spikes on my mask trying to drag me out the kitchen. One issue though, the mask slipped off.


     I couldn't help it, I started laughing. How the hell did he fit all that hair in the tiny ass mask? When I finally stopped laughing, I looked down, to see him glaring up at me. "The fuck you do that for." Wow. He didn't look to bad. Lots of piercings. "My bad man, I was trying to drag you." I said, still trying my best not to giggle. He stood up to grab back his mask, and damn he was tall. It was rare to find someone taller than me, cause, well the spider bite made me grow... a lot. I stopped growing around 15 at 5'11, and then the bite made me sprout up to 6'1. He was a least a few inches taller though.

     "So uhm... heres your mask. Can you please get the fuck outta my apartment?" I tried to ask in the most polite voice I could muster. He went to look down and the weird ass orange watch he was wearing and his expression faltered for a second. "No can do, yah broke my watch." He held up his arm to show the cracked screen and flickering orange light. "Don't tell me that's the thing that helps you travel dimensions." I said, "Right then, this is not the thing that helps me travel dimensions." He responded. "Smart ass"

     He walked back over to my couch and plopped down. "Looks like I'm staying here for a while mate." Woah. Uhm. "Nuh uh, no way, nada, find somewhere else to stay." I quickly stated. "Sorry madam, no money, no watch, nowhere else to stay." He said while putting his feet up on the coffee table. "Y'know what? Forget it. Stay, leave, I don't care. Just get your fucking feet off my table and take off your shoes to walk on the carpet." I felt like those were very reasonable requests of a literal stranger who seemed to now live with me. "I don't follow orders." Yeah nope. I lost my shit right then and there. Pulling the table out from under his feet and putting up the recline on the couch I started yelling so loud that I feel bad for my neighbors. "YOU ARE NOT GOING TO COME INTO MY SPACE, MAKE A MESS, WALK AROUND WITH YOUR MUDDY ASS PLATFORMS, PUT THEM ON THE TABLE I E A T FROM, AND STIL EXPECT TO STAY HERE."

         I didn't wait for his response, I just walked into the kitchen to grab some Clorox wipes to wipe down the table. I got into the room and realized the table had stuff all over it. So I picked up all the cups and put them in the sink, took the books to my bookshelf, and the jackets to my closet. Then I wiped down the table. I just kept picking up until I could clear my mind.

Unexpected guest- A Hobie Brown x Reader ficWhere stories live. Discover now