Sam and Colby together

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As he finished recording me and colby went out to go get lunch, just the two of us. When we got there he looked at me and said "I'm buying today. What do you want?" I love it when he buys. It makes me feel special. I told him just 2 chicken sandwiches. We ordered and sat down right across from eachother. "Wow," I thought to myself, " How could I love someone so much that only sees me a a brother?" I kept dreaming about how it could be if it was only us. "Sam? Sam?" Colby said. "You good brother?" I told him I was fine and we ate together as I kept thinking about us. We decided to go get ice cream and colby said he would buy again. I was so happy and finally now that Katrina's not in the picture with me maybe it could be us. Just us. Sam and Colby as a couple. Just the thought of us together made me happier then ever. We ordered and he got what he always does. A medium twist with caramel syrup. It's so basic but so him. "God how could you make someone so amazing and just right for me? Was when we became best friends was that a sign that we should be together forever?" I asked God when laying in bed at night. "Sam?" I heard colby say outside of my door. I told him to come in and he asked if could sleep in here because he was for some reason scared. "Yea. I'll take the floor you can have the bed." I said. "No. Can I sleep in the bed with you I just dont feel safe." He told me. I told him sure and he crawled in to bed with me. I felt butterflys in my stomach as he layed beside me. I thought that he would just roll over and sleep but no I was so wrong. He got so close to me that our entire bodies were touching and he even caressed my leg with his and said to me " Sam, I love you and always have but I could never confess because there was always katrina but now that she's gone I wanted to tell you. Do you love me?" "Yes I love you colby and always have," and that's when it happened. The most magical moment of my life he leaned in to kiss me and we did. I never thought this would happen but it is. And it's only us. Sam and Colby together. I woke up the next day and realized it was a dream that was until I looked to my right and found colby sleeping next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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