In my room, I close my door, sitting down on my bed.

I can't help it but i stand back up, running to the phone.

I dial his home number and wait.

"Hargrove residence," I hear Susan speak.

"Hi Susan. This is Cassie. Is Billy home?" I ask her, twirling the phone cord anxiously.

"I'm afraid he isn't," she says. My heart leaps but only for a second. "He never came home last night."

"Oh," I say , dropping the cord. "Alright."

"Honey, this is usual for him. He just needs a break sometimes. I'm sure he'll be home soon," Susan tells me. I agree with her and hang up.

I run a hand through my blonde curls, sighing. Then the phone rings again. I grab it quickly.

"Hello," I all but shout.

"Cassie, I need a ride to the mall," It's Dustin.

I sigh. "Okay, Dustin. Be there in a few," I put the phone the receiver and go to my room to find shoes.

I'm already dressed in denim shorts and a white tucked in tee shirt. I sit on my bed, putting on my high tops then I run out of my house and to my car.

In the car, I speed to Dustin's.

When I get there, Dustin is already outside waiting. He rushes over, getting in the passenger seat.

"I need to go see Steve," Dustin says as he puts his seatbelt on.

"Okay," I agree. I put the car in reverse then drive to the mall.

After about 5 minutes, we get there. Dustin and I walk inside. We rode the escalator to Scoops Ahoy.

I lead Dustin to where it is. Inside, there are only a few customers. Only Robin is at the counter.

"Hi," Dustin says, approaching her.

"Hi," she says back.

"I'm Dustin," Dustin tells her.

"I'm Robin," she says back, eyeing the boy.

"Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is he here?" Dustin asks her, practically shaking because he hasn't seen Steve yet.

"Is who here?" Robin asks.

"Dustin, she can't read your mind," I say, hitting him in the back of the head with my palm. "Is Steve here?"

"Henderson!" Steve says, throwing himself through the door that leads to the back.

I roll my eyes.

"Henderson! He's back!" Steve shouts, jumping up and down. He slides his way out from behind the counter.

"I'm back! You got the job!" Dustin shouts too. Robin and I eye the boys.

Steve comes up to Dustin and they start their handshake. They both grin at each other.

"How many children are you friends with?" Robin asks, leaning onto the counter.

Steve sighs, dropping his smile.

Dustin orders some ice cream, which I have to pay for. Then he and Steve sit in a booth together. I stay talking to Robin.

"Where's your curly headed lover boy?" Robin asks me.

I shrug. "We were supposed to hang out today but he never showed. His mom told me he hasn't even been home. It's normal for him though. His home life... isn't the best."

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