Start from the beginning

"Next time you want to speak about things you know nothing about...It may be the last time you talk." Soo-Ho threatened lowly, staring straight into the boy's wide eyes, he gulp and nodded his head slowly. Soo-Ho smirked and patted the boy on the shoulder with his other hand before loosening his grip and taking his shoe.

"Thanks for getting my shoe man," Soo-Ho said with a lazy smirk. The boy nodded and scurried off back to his friends and Soo-Ho didn't bother sparing them another glance, simply tieing his shoe and looking back at his phone to see a message from his grandmother.

'She's still the same'

Soo-Ho let out a soft sigh and stared down at the message. He knew the longer she was in a coma, the more unlikely it was for her to wake up. 

"Come on Yeong-Ja, wake up." He whispered to himself before gathering his stuff and walking back into school.

Yeong-Ja couldn't move, she couldn't see anything but black. She could hear the faint distorted sound of beeping and voices but she couldn't make them out, she looked around panicked, staring at the endless black sea.

"Hello? Please. Where am I? What's happening?" She yelled out, panic gripping her, tears stung her eyes. She tried to move but she couldn't, she couldn't move her fingers, her arms nor her legs. Tears stung her eyes as they darted around, looking for anything, anyone. Suddenly, tiny sparkles began to appear around her, bright like stars in a blanket of darkness, lighting up one by one. She watched as they appeared until they were all around her, floating in front of eyes similar to fireflies.

"They're beautiful, aren't they? Better than the glow-in-the-dark ones." Yeong-Ja felt her heart clench in her chest, her eyes widening as she stared at him, tears falling from her eyes as she watched him walk closer almost gliding through the darkness until he was in front of her, feet away.

"D-Do-Hwan?" She stuttered, he looked exactly like the 17-Year old boy she remembered. Do-Hwan smiled softly at his little sister, who was not so little anymore. Yeong-Ja blinked rapidly as the tears continued to fall, it was only then was she able to move her arm raising and reaching forward to touch her brother, but an invisible force blocked her movement, inches away from him.

"W-What? H-How?" Yeong-Ja sniffed, her eyes panickily darting from her hand to his eyes. She tried to push against the invisible barrier but her efforts were no use, her wide eyes stared into his own.

"Why can't I touch you?" She asked in frustration and immense confusion. Do-Hwan softly looked down at his sister.

"Even when we're the same age, you're still so short." He commented with an amused smile, not answering her question, wanting to savour this moment with her before the harsh truth revealed itself.

"No, You were just a giant for your age." Yeong-Ja shot back, laughing softly through her sniffles. Do-Hwan chuckled and shook his head.

"I see you've grown a sharp tongue too, that must get you some attention." Yeong-Ja wiped her tears and grinned while shaking her head.

"Not in the slightest." Do-Hwan raised a brow and hummed unconvincingly.

"Tell that to the boy whose glued to you." He mumbled quietly, meaning to say it to himself but Yeong-Ja heard and furrowed her brows.

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