Chapter one: Introductions

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My friends are all different. We have this friend group made up of four people. There's Heida, Lilith, Heather and me. My name is Ash, and as I've said, we're all different. We like to talk about our identities with each other, and it gives us all good perspectives. Heida, she's really cool. Her pronouns are she/her and she's a straight ally. She makes it very clear that she's an ally, and if there's any pride group that she can join, she's in it. Lilith is more quiet, and she doesn't like to talk about herself, but what I've gathered so far is that she has she/her pronouns and she's pansexual. Heather, they're awesome and so understanding. They have they/them pronouns and they're aromantic. They're the therapist of our group. Then there's me. I have she/her pronouns for now, but I'm always feeling different. At least I know for sure that I'm lesbian, but I haven't come out to anyone besides my friends yet. I just feel so nervous that there are rules that I have to follow, even though there usually aren't. Oh well I guess.
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Summer has just begun, and I already feel want it to end. I've never really been a big fan of summer, I just find it too hot and I get dehydrated easily. When I get home to my apartment in the middle of the city, I take my shoes off and go flop on the couch. I pull out my phone to check the time. Four thirty already! I think, inspecting my lockscreen. On it is a beautiful picture of a black wolf, with amber eyes that appear to be glowing. I unlock my phone and sit up. What should I do today? I wonder. Then I click on MeTube and stare mindlessly at the screen, scrolling through MeTube Minis. No less than five minutes later, I see a video of someone wearing a wolf mask and a tail and running through a tall grass meadow on all fours. How strange, I wonder what they're doing. I think, intrigued now. I tap on the replies and see the creator talking about something called therianthropy. Confused, I go to look up the definition, but then decide it may be better to simply ask the creator. I write a reply asking about it and send it. Now, all I must do is wait. Only two minutes later do I get a reply. I click on my notifications and read with curious eyes. "Therianthropy is a tough topic to just explain. It's basically someone who believes that they were (and it's probably true)an animal in their past life or lives, or that it's just how their brains work, having uncontrollable animalistic behaviors. For me, I was a gray wolf in my past life. If you want to know more, just follow more therian creators, you should get a good idea of it." I stare in wonder at the screen and read the small explanation three times before I close MeTube.

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