𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

Start from the beginning

the elevator doors gently glided open, where all three women practically bolted out. scanning the area, lou was first to find debbie, sitting on an uncomfortable looking brown chair in a waiting area. debbie's legs are crossed as she anxiously bites her fingernails. lou rushes over to debbie, getting on her knees to meet her eye level, and taking debbie's free blood-stained hand into her own. debbie's eyes looked lifeless and glossy as lou searched in them. "are you okay?" were the only words that managed to escape the blonde's lips. the first words she said since she shot matteo.

debbie's eyes darted down to lou's, where she just wrapped her arms around lou's shoulders, bringing her closer to her body. rose and tammy walk over, as debbie's sobs fill the room. "she's in surgery," debbie quietly whimpered. no one had ever seen debbie so small-- so fragile. "they don't know--" but she couldn't finish her sentence as she buries her head deeper into lou's shoulder.

tammy and rose took a seat next to debbie as they watched lou comfort her girlfriend. "(y/n) is strong, debbie. she'll be okay," lou gently reassured debbie, tucking a piece of hair behind debbie's ear. none of the women could tell who she was truly trying to comfort.

"for (y/n) ocean?" a disembodied voice called from the front of the waiting room. debbie immediately shot up from her chair, practically running over to the doctor.

"i'm her aunt, is she okay?" debbie quickly questions. lou, tammy, and rose all follow behind debbie with wide eyes. "did she make it?"

the doctor holds a clipboard close to his chest as he lets out a sigh. "we were able to successfully get the bullet out of (y/n)'s chest, but because of it's detrimental location, we had to put (y/n) in a medically induced coma."

debbie let out a shallow gasp, her bloody hand covering her mouth. she blinks back thick tears that were threatening to spill from her dark brown eyes.

"will you be able to wake her?" rose asks the doctor, her irish accent sounding more prominent. it probably had to do something to do with the nervousness coursing through her veins.

the doctor nods his head. "we will but first we need to see if we've stopped the internal bleeding and if it's safe for (y/n) to breathe." he pauses before continuing, "the bullet slightly impaired her right lung, which made it extremely hard for her to obtain any oxygen. if she can't breathe normally, we can risk further damage to the lung, which could compromise her breathing forever."

"can i see her?" debbie asked, her eyes darting up to the doctor's pale blue. "i know she's not conscious but i just want to sit with her.." debbie pauses, biting her lower lip. "please."

the doctor gave the women a light nod. "yes, of course you'll be able to. she's going to be in room 201." before any of the women could make their way to (y/n)'s room, the doctor stopped them. "i didn't hear what happened but by the looks of it, you all have gone through hell. i would recommend getting cleaned up as soon as possible, it might make (y/n) scared and uncomfortable."

debbie didn't say anything to the doctor, she only shoved past him, towards (y/n)'s room. lou quickly followed behind her, giving rose and tammy a small nod.

"thank you for everything doctor.." tammy said while waiting for the doctor to say his name.

"doctor peterson," he said with a slight smile.

"right," tammy said with a matching smile. "thank you doctor peterson, for all your help." and with that, she took rose by her hand, leading her into your room, where debbie and lou were already sat.

debbie's shaky hand found it's way around your unconscious one while lou pulled up a chair next to debbie's. tammy looked at all the machines you were connected to with wide eyes. you were dressed in a hospital gown, with (y/c/h) sprawled out around you, and your hands scrubbed clean. debbie kisses your limp hand as she watches your vitals with big and teary eyes. lou gives debbie her a reassuring rub on her back. "please be okay, (y/n)," she whispers as she watches the machine breath for you.

it had been four hours since you had been placed in a coma. tammy and rose both came and gone, grabbing food and a change of clothes for debbie. debbie refused to eat but was convinced to change into some fresh clothes.

as debbie pulls the shirt over her head, she catches a glimpse of herself in the slightly dirty mirror. her once neat and tidy ponytail, was now messy, with large pieces of hair pulled out. a small white bandage was on her forehead, concealing a shallow cut on her forehead. mascara was trailing down her face, where she had cried. her eyes were bloodshot and her lipstick was smudged. with a sigh, debbie turned on the faucet, splashing cold water onto her face. she wiped off the ruined makeup with her hands along with your blood staining her hands, letting the cold water wake her up. she pulled the hair tie out of her hair, gathering it on the top of her head, and putting it in a bun.

debbie walks out of the bathroom, looking and feeling a lot better. she took her seat next to your bed, regaining her hold on your hand.

"i hope you know this isn't your fault, debbie," tammy says breaking the silence. it was the start of the first conversation in the hospital room. it wasn't because of the lack of energy each woman felt, but because of the deep set sympathy for debbie. everyone could tell debbie felt responsible for what had happened to you and tammy wasn't going to let that go on any longer.

debbie shook her head, not taking her eyes off you. "i should've stayed away from the heists," she simply replied.

"but that isn't the reason (y/n) got shot. matteo shot her, he did this, not you."

debbie gently began trailing her fingers up and down your hand, desperate to hear your laugh, or maybe even get a smile. "i should've protected her."

"you did," lou interjects. "this wasn't anyone's fault. it was a setup. it was a trap, designed to kill you and (y/n). but you didn't let it. she's alive because of you."

debbie didn't realize she was crying until she saw the tear drop onto the back of your hand. she quickly wiped her cheeks with her shoulder. "i should've done so much more. i-i never told her i loved her," she whispers.

"she knew you loved her, debbie. anyone could see that," tammy began to reassure debbie. but debbie stopped her.

"she wanted a mom, she wanted some comfort, and i didn't give it to her."

lou wraps her arm around debbie, in some sort of attempt to console her. "you gave it to her. it's only normal for someone to be curious about someone when they make an unexpected appearance in their life. you did everything you could've possibly done for (y/n). you were enough."

debbie grew quiet for a moment, before turning to lou, with a solemn smile and tears clouding her vision. lou wipes the tears off debbie's cheek with her thumb, giving the brunette a loving smile. suddenly the monitor noises began to grow louder, causing everyone's attention to be brought back to you.

your eyes began to move under your eyelids and the monitors began to pick up on more activity causing the sound to grow louder. without much of a warning, a group of nurses rushed into the room, and started messing with the machines. "w-what's happening to her?" debbie asks, standing up.

one of the nurses looks back at debbie with a smile. "she's waking up."

debbie watches as one of the nurses removes your oxygen mask and the tube down your throat. you begin to cough before slowly blinking open your eyes. everything was blurry for a moment but then suddenly focused. your eyes land on debbie as the nurses walk away from the bed. "d-debbie?" you shakily ask. your voice was hoarse and barely audible. you looked out of it. your face was still pale and you glanced around in confusion.

debbie grins and lets out an airy laugh. "oh my sweet girl!" she exclaims, bending down over your bed, wrapping you in a big hug. "you're awake!" tears flood from her eyes as she takes a deep inhale, smiling into your shoulder before pulling away. "oh, (y/n). you scared me to death."

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now