1 - nightmares

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"miguel let me go!" MILES struggled to break free from the male's tight grip around his wrists. "i have to save my dad, please! let go" he grunted, arms getting sore. he was held on top of a tower on his earth. earth 1610. he heard distant pleas from GWEN and PETER but he couldn't look them in the eye anymore. not after what they did. tears spilled out of his eyes as uneasy thoughts whirled around in his head. what if my dad's dead right now? it would be all his fucking fault. 

"I said... LET ME GO" miles raised his voice as electricity surged through his body causing miguel to let go. using that brief moment he ran as fast as he could to his house, not caring that his costume was still on. I think I lost him he thought, looking around as he peered into all the windows. mile's dad was nowhere to be found shit shit shit where is he please no if he's dead right now I will KILL miguel.

he swung up higher getting a better view of the city, looking for his dad. his spidey senses tingled as he followed his gut. there! wait... shit. miles stared in horror as he saw his dad caught in a shootout clenching the middle of his chest and chasing someone. he could barely make it out but he was sure his father got shot. jumping off the building, he immediately swung to the chase and shot a web towards the man, barely pinning him to the floor. just then, his dad fell to the floor coughing up blood, looking weak. 

"Dad- I mean lieutenant morales!" a-are you alright what happened?" miles asked with a panicked tone.

"captain morales actually- im captain now... but the guy shot me.... tell my son and wife i love them, rio and miles..."JEFF explained weakly, coughing as his breath became softer and his heartbeat slowed. 

"Dad i am Miles!" he said, teary-eyed as he pulled off his mask. "please dont go please, please, please dad i love you if you leave me now-" "i love you too miles" he said with one final breath, his eyes closing. "nonononono dad please no" he begged, holding his body closer, sobbing into his chest




Miles woke up in a cold sweat, bumping his head on the bed above him. he looked to the right to be met with his roommate, GANKE'S dangling head from the top bunk.

"miles! finally you alright? you've been like this for ages im worried for you!" ganke furrowed his eyebrows "aughthebloodsgoinginmyheadifeelweirdshit!" he spat in one word, swiftly bringing his head up. "but seriously, I'm here to talk I'm actually worried. and I'm never worried!" he rambled, climbing down from the bunk.

"yeah I'm fine- just a bad dream again" Miles grumbles, shoving his blanket aside as he sat down. 

"That's what you always say. whatever, I wont force you to talk about it" ganke peered through the ladder with a grin. "thanks ganke. ill tell you one day" he snickered walking to the bathroom to get ready. "no breakfast again?" ganke asked. "nah I gotta granola bar im good, you dont have to worry about me ganke," he said appreciatively. "alright man. just worried" ganke said, adjusting his tie and slipping on his usual burgundy beanie.

where the hell is my tie? ugh, my dumbass only bought one. "yo ange oo gof a stare ki i koulf bowow?" Miles asked, toothbrush in his mouth as he walked back into the bathroom to spit it out and wash his mouth. "I can't understand ya!" ganke called out, followed by the zip of his uniform pants. "ganke do you have a spare tie?" he repeated, clearly annoyed. "geez man! just askin'," ganke put his hands up as he threw him a tie. "m'bad, thanks" Miles thanked sheepishly, tieing the tie loosely around his collar. he shoved his schoolbooks, sketchbook, and headphones in his schoolbag hastily as he swung it around his shoulder. 

"Miles I swear we have 5 minutes until first period starts we gotta go!" ganke bounced around as if he had to piss. "oh my god! it's the last day of school for fucks sake and they're still teaching us! Isn't that like illegal?! we're literally going to college next year! and why are you dancing like i do when I gotta pee?" Miles rambled as he stepped into his Jordan's and followed Ganke out the door. "just like my mom huh? five minutes early this yada yada yada!" he groaned throwing his hands down.


miles              11:03 am

yo ganke u wanna skip? this class boring asf

ganke          11:07 am

ffs miles this is like the 3rd time this week. my grades went so down because of you

miles          11:07 am

only this week! loosen up man, its the last day of high school! forever!

ganke         11:08 am

and you dont want to enjoy it? come on dude. im staying you can go

miles          read 11:09 am


miles sighed, making eye contact with ganke from across the room. he smirked just as he turned invisible (no one was looking lmao). he stuck to the ceiling and crawled carefully to the exit.

"yes emily?" Mr. Hernandez finally turned around. "wait. wheres miles?" "he uh went to the bathroom, we both ate something bad for breakfast, I already went but he said he'd be okay but i guess not ahah!" ganke flashed a wonky smile and the teacher turned back around slowly, forgetting about emily's question. (rip emily) I knew I could count on my best bro to back me up!!// he owes me for that. stupid miles. 


Miles finally made it back, hastily putting on his spider suit so he could swing around. the city has been awfully calm recently so he hadn't been in the suit for a while. he put one foot on the window ledge and budged open the impossibly hard-to-open window. stepping outside, he feltr the fresh brooklyn breeze hit his face as well as the delicious smell of pastries and coffe from a nearby cafe. following the smell, he swung to the cafe and grabbed a coffee, pinning a 5 dollar bill to the counter with his web. 

miles sat on the roof of Brooklyn tower, swinging his feet off the edge. a part of him wished something exciting would happen, like a bad guy or something, but he knew the boredom would be over soon as he was planning to study physics, even though he wanted to do art more, so he could finally see his friends again. a smile appeared on his face at the thought of seeing his friends even if it was just for a bit. he pulled out his sketchbook from his backpack and popped on his headphones, humming along to sunflower, like always. he began sketching, recalling everything they did together, crying together, and having fun even through the tough times.

after he was done with the people, he doodled little webs and spiders all around them and finished it off with a bright red highlighter border. he snapped a picture and shoved everything back in, getting ready to go back. he checked his phone seeing the time was 3:02. damn, i was here for four hours. time really flies huh.. he thought as he swung back to his dorm room

finally...  miles thought in annoyance as he lifted the window up and climbed inside. 

"oh? ganke? what are you doing here? school doesn't end until like- an hour" miles asked as he tilted his head a bit. "the whole afternoon was like an assembly. end of year stuff and aways, yaknow." ganke explain, spinning his chair to face miles and lowering his marvel comic book. 

"what's with the suit? Were there bad guys or what?" he asked, eyeing his appearance. "oh yeah I just felt like I haven't gone out to swing in a bit so I decided to just get some fresh air and draw yk?" Miles strugged while taking the suit off and changing into a hoodie and a pair of sweat shorts.  he plopped onto his bed, exhausted, just staring at the ceiling for a while until ganke finally spoke up.

"what do you wanna do for college?"


defo not rlly a cliffhanger cuz yall already know the answer but my dumbass js dont know how to end a damn chapter so here we are. hope ygs like it and pls comment any ideas or ships for the story muah 

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