002 - Secret space

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That night in the lower levels Ravn was woken by small maniac giggling. He opened his eyes slowly. He struggled to get his eyes to focus at first before he sat up.

He looked towards the cell door and there was Hwanwoong, crouched down and watching him intently.

"Hey little man... how'd you get down here?"

Ravn asked quietly as he got off the old creaky bed as to not wake up the three in the cells next to him. he walked over to the cell door and crouched down.

"Hold out your hannnnnnnd~"

The boy Hwanwoong requested and Ravn listened. He put his hand through the cell and opened his hand flat. Hwanwoong lifted his hand and placed it on top of Ravn's hand.

"Can you kiss it better? I fell and hurt my hand earlier~"

Hwanwoong asked in a sing song type of voice. Ravn couldn't help but smile, he lifted Hwanwoong's hand to his lips and kissed his hand like a gentleman.

"You never answered my question Woong"

Hwanwoong let a maniac smile creep on his face and he pulled keys from his pocket. He jingled the set of keys lightly before putting them back into his pocket.

He retracted his hand from Ravn's and Ravn will admit, he felt a bit empty when Hwanwoong pulled his hand away. He looked down at his hand and he saw his ring that he lost earlier that morning. He looked up at Hwanwoong with shock and surprise.

"Where did you find this?"

Ravn asked to Hwanwoong and Hwanwoong put his index finger to Ravn's lips and showed another one of those maniac smiles.

"You dropped it this morning in the cafeteria. I found it this afternoon and I noticed it had your name on ittttttt~ Ravn~ Such a handsome name~"

Hwanwoong said as he fell into a daze with Ravn's black siren eyes. He was in love, no doubt about it. Everytime since that afternoon he couldn't pull himself away from Ravn's eyes.

"I want you~"

Hwanwoong whispered and leaned in closer to Ravn who was out of his reach behind the bars. Ravn tilted his head and he too leaned forwards. It was him and Hwanwoong against the bars between them at the moment.

"I have the perfect spot we can meet~"

Hwanwoong whispered again and he let out a soft giggle, seeing the confusion cross on Ravn's face.


He put his finger to Ravn's lip and hushed him once more.

"You will have to want until tomorrow to find out about this~"

Hwanwoong shot up to his feet and he started giggling. he leaned down and poked Ravn's nose, causing the boy behind bars to crack a smile.

"Will I see you again?"

Hwanwoong asked the boy who didn't even hesitate to answer against what Leedo had told him earlier. He wanted to see more of Hwanwoong.

"Of course you will"

Hwanwoong giggled some more as he danced his way back to the elevator, when he stepped inside he looked at Ravn and blew him a kiss to get a wink from Ravn in return. Psychotic people are the most interesting in Ravn's opinion. Hwanwoong was a book written and covered in blood. A beautiful image in his mind.

Ravn sighed in content as he stood up straight again. He looked at the ring that still laid still in the palm of his hand. He took the ring off the palm of his hand and slid it back onto his finger where it once was.

Ravn looked in the direction of the old, creaky bed he was forced to sleep on for the night. He let out a forced sigh from his throat as he walked back over to the bed and laid flat on his back. He stared at the dead looking ceiling for some time before he felt his eyelids actually get heavy.

Once his eyelids got heavy, he knew he would finally be able to sleep peacefully and that was exactly what he did. He let himself slip into the land of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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